Default Minecraft commands

Default Minecraft commands are available to operators on a Minecraft server and can have a wide array of functions that greatly expand the capabilities of moderation and convenience. In addition, commands can grant unique and exciting rewards to players. These processes can additionally be automated in the form of command blocks, which allow the use of console commands remotely from within the server using redstone power.

Note Some commands require OP permission.
Learn how to grant OP permissions here.

Note Default commands for Bukkit/Spigot/PaperMC and SpongeForge are also listed here.

Default Minecraft Commands

/advancement Gives, removes, or checks player advancements.
/attribute Queries, adds, removes or sets an entity attribute.
/ban Adds a player to the banlist.
/ban-ip Adds an IP address to banlist.
/banlist Displays all users on the banlist.
/bossbar Creates and modifies 'bossbars' that track the health of raid bosses.
/clear Clears items from a player's inventory.
/clone Copies blocks from one place to another.
/damage Applies damage to the specified entities.
/data Gets, merges, modifies, and removes block entity and entity NBT data.
/datapack Controls the loaded data packs.
/debug Starts or stops a debugging session.
/defaultgamemode Sets the default game mode.
/deop Revokes operator status from a player.
/difficulty Sets the difficulty level.
/effect Adds or removes a status effect from a player.
/enchant Adds an enchantment to a player's selected item.
/execute Executes another command.
/experience An alias of /xp. Adds or removes player experience.
/fill Fills a region with a specific block.
/fillbiome Fills a region with a specific biome.
/forceload Forces the designated chunk to be loaded or not constantly.
/function Runs a function.
/gamemode Sets a player's game mode.
/gamerule Sets or queries a game rule value.
/give Gives an item to a player.
/help Provides help for commands.
/item Manipulates items in inventories.
/jfr Starts or stops a JFR profiling.
/kick Kicks a player from the server.
/kill Kills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).
/list Lists players on the server.
/locate Locates the closest structure, biome, or point of interest.
/loot Drops items from an inventory slot onto the ground.
/me Displays a message about the sender.
/msg An alias of /tell and /w. Displays a private message to other players.
/op Grants operator status to a player.
/pardon Removes a player from the banlist by player name.
/pardon-ip Removes an IP from the banlist.
/particle Creates particles.
/perf Captures info and metrics about the game for 10 seconds.
/place Used to place a configured feature, jigsaw, template, or structure at a given location.
/playsound Plays the designated sound.
/publish Opens single-player world to local network.
/recipe Gives or takes player recipes.
/reload Reloads loot tables, advancements, and functions from disk.
/return Control execution flow inside functions and change their return value.
/ride Used to make entities ride other entities, stop entities from riding, make rides evict their riders, or summon rides or riders.
/save-all Saves the server to disk.
/save-off Disables automatic server saves.
/save-on Enables automatic server saves.
/say Displays a message to multiple players.
/schedule Delays the execution of a function.
/scoreboard Manages scoreboard objectives and players.
/seed Displays the world seed.
/setblock Changes a block to another block.
/setidletimeout Sets the time before idle players are kicked.
/setworldspawn Sets the world spawn. New players will spawn here.
/spawnpoint Sets the spawn point for a player.
/spectate Make one player in spectator mode spectate an entity.
/spreadplayers Teleports entities to random locations.
/stop Stops a server.
/stopsound Stops a sound.
/summon Summons an entity.
/tag Controls entity tags.
/team Controls teams.
/teammsg An alias of /tm. Specifies a message to send to a team.
/teleport An alias of /tp. Teleports entities.
/tell An alias of /msg and /w. Displays a priva

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