How to add Torch plugins on a Space Engineers server

Torch plugins are akin to software add-ons for Space Engineers servers, resembling mods in their ability to introduce new features and functionalities. However, they differ from mods in a significant way: plugins don't require a whitelist and operate exclusively on the server side without any impact on the client-side experience. This distinction gives Torch plugins the advantage of executing various actions that mods cannot achieve, providing server administrators with a broader array of options for customizing gameplay and server behavior. Torch thoroughly reviews all plugins uploaded to its website, ensuring they meet quality and security standards.

Torch must be installed on the server. Learn how to here.

How to Add Torch Plugins on a Space Engineers Server
1. Find a plugin here.

2. Download the desired plugin.

3. Minimize the file to use later in the tutorial.

4. On the address bar, copy the GUID after /view/.

5. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

6. Stop the server.

7. Go to the Files tab.

8. Open the Plugins folder.

9. Drag and drop the .zip file from step 3.

10. Go back to the Files tab.

11. Open Torch.cfg for editing.

12. Highlight the <Plugins /> line and paste the following:

<guid>GUID HERE</guid>

Replace GUID HERE with the GUID from step 4.

Note For multiple plugins, add another <guid>GUID HERE</guid> line.

14. Choose the Save Content button on the lower right.

15. Start the server.

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