How to whitelist a Space Engineers server

In Space Engineers, a whitelist is a feature used by server administrators to control access to their servers. It is essentially a list of approved player SteamIDs or usernames, allowing only those listed to join the server. By implementing a whitelist, server owners can create a private and exclusive gaming environment, ensuring that only trusted players or friends can participate in their Space Engineers world.

The whitelist requires a Steam GroupID64. Learn how to find the Steam GroupID64 here.

How to Whitelist a Space Engineers Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Find the following directory: /home/container/config .

5. Open the SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg file.

6. Navigate to the <GroupID>0</GroupID> line.

7. Replace the digits with the Steam GroupID64.

8. Once finished editing, choose the Save Content button.

10. Start the server.

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