How to install LuckPerms on a Minecraft server

LuckPerms is a powerful and flexible permissions management plugin for Minecraft servers, offering fine-grained control over player and group permissions. Server administrators can use LuckPerms to define intricate permission hierarchies, manage player ranks, and customize access to various commands and features. With support for multiple platforms and a user-friendly interface, LuckPerms is a popular choice for server owners seeking robust and efficient permission management on their Minecraft servers.

OP Permissions are required. Learn how to OP here.

Note It is recommended to have EssentialsX, EssentialsX Chat, and EssentialsX Spawn. The plugins are available here.

How to Install LuckPerms on a Minecraft Server
1. Download LuckPerms here.

 Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

3. Stop the server.

4. Go to the Files tab.

Open the plugins folder.

6. Upload
the downloaded jar file from Step 1.

7. Start the server.

8. Launch Minecraft and join the server with OP permissions.

9. Run the following command: /lp editor 

10. Open the link in a new browser.

11. Copy the
trusteditor code.

12. Paste the code in the Minecraft chat.

Option Description
Group name The name of the group code itself. 
Display name Shows how LuckPerms displays the group.
Weight LuckPerm's priority level. (Higher number means higher priority)
Parent Inherits another group's permissions.
Prefix/Suffix Insert tags before or after a player's name.

13. Click Apply after any desired changes. LuckPerms will notify the server.

Common LuckPerms Commands

Command Description
/lp user <username> parent add <groupname> Adds the player to the group
/lp user <username> parent remove <groupname> Removes the player from the group
/lp user <username> permission set <permission> Allows a permission to the player
/lp user <username> permission unset <permission> Removes a permission from the player
/lp group <groupcode> permission [set/unset] <permission> Allows/Disallows a permission from the group

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