How to fix ticking entity issues on a Minecraft Forge server

Ticking entity issues on a Minecraft Forge server refer to problems arising from entities that require regular processing or "ticking" by the server. These issues often manifest as lag spikes, crashes, or server performance degradation due to the excessive load caused by numerous ticking entities. Addressing ticking entity issues involves identifying and optimizing problematic entities, implementing performance-enhancing mods or plugins, and occasionally reducing the number of active entities in the game world to alleviate server strain.

Make a backup of the server to save any necessary files. The method below may cause irreparable damage to the world save.

Note For issues, please contact the BisectHosting support team here.

How to Fix Ticking Entity Issues on a Minecraft Forge Server (1.17.1 or higher)
1. Download the Erroring Entity Remover Reforged mod with the matching Minecraft server version here.

2. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

3. Stop the server.

4. Go to the Files tab.

5. Open the mods folder.

6. Upload the downloaded jar file from Step 1.

7. Start the server.

How to Fix Ticking Entity Issues on a Minecraft Forge Server (1.13.2 or higher)
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Find the following directory: WorldName/serverconfig .

5. Open the forge-server.toml file.

6. On the
removeErroringEntities line, edit the value to true.

7. On the
removeErroringTileEntities line, edit the value to true.

8. Press the Save Content button.

9. Start the server.

Note Revert the values from Step 6 and 7 to false once the issue is fixed.

How to Fix Ticking Entity Issues on a Minecraft Forge Server (1.12.2 or lower)
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Open the config folder.

5. Click forge.cfg.

6. On the
B:removeErroringEntities line, edit the value to true.

7. On the
B:removeErroringTileEntities line, edit the value to true.

8. Press the Save Content button.

9. Start the server.

Note Revert the values from Step 6 and 7 to false once the issue is fixed.

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