7 Days to Die Console Commands

 7 Days to Die has multiple useful functions available from the in-game console. These commands can do helpful things such as giving the user god mode, powerful buffs, or removing problematic players from the server. Console commands can also be used to award players with Powerful Items. Many of these commands can be executed without admin privileges, such as displaying client information or lighting effects; however, many game-altering commands require an administrator to use them.

Note Admin Privileges are required to use some commands.

7 Days to Die Console Commands
Console Commands are special functions available to admins on 7 Days to Die servers. The console can be opened with the F1 key.

All Console Commands

Command Description
giveself [item id] [(1-6)] This console command will spawn the item with the specified item ID before the character.
buff [buff id] Gives the specified buff, use buffplayer to give the buff to a different player.
debuff [buff id] Removes a buff given through the buff command.
buffplayer [steam id/player name/entity id] [buff id] Adds the specified buff to a designated player.
debuffplayer [steam id/player name/entity id] [buff id] Removes a buff granted to a player from the buffplayer command.
switchview Toggles first or third person mode.
systeminfo Prints console information about the host machine.
debugmenu Enables or disables debug mode. Enables god mode by pressing the G key.
exhausted Makes the character exhausted.
giveselfxp [xp] Gives a specified amount of experience.
creativemenu Toggles the creative menu by pressing the U key.
spawnsupplycrate Spawns a supply crate at the current location.
admin ['add'/'remove'/'list'] [steam id/player name/entity id] [permission level] Adds or removes a player from the admin list.
kick [steam id/player name/entity id] ["kick message"] Kicks the specified player from the server with a message.
kickall ["kick message"] Kicks all players and displays a custom message.
whitelist ['add'/'remove'/'list'] [steam id/player name/entity id] Modifies the server whitelist, enabled whenever at least one player is on the list.
ban ['add'/'remove'/'list'] [steam id/player name/entity id] [duration + unit of time] ["message"] Bans the specified player for a custom amount of time. Units go from minute to year .
killall Kills all players and entities on the server.
teleport [steam id/player name/entity id] [x y z] [offset x y z] [view direction] Teleports a character to the designated location
teleportplayer [steam id/player name/entity id] [steam id/player name/entity id] [x y z] [view direction] Teleports another player to a designated location.
showclouds [texture file name] Sets the cloud texture to whatever is specified in the game files.
repairchunkdensity [x z] ['fix'] Checks for mismatches within a chunk.
weather [weather setting] Changes the weather of the world to the value specified.
weathersurvival ['on' / 'off'] Enables or disables weather for the world.
spawnentity [player id] [entity id] Spawns an entity by entity ID. Enter spawnentity to view all entity ID's.
spawnwanderinghorde Spawns a wandering horde of zombies.
givequest [quest id] Gives the specified quest to the player.
removequest [quest id] Removes the specified quest from a player's log.
say ["message"] Sends a message to all users under the name 'Server'.
cp ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [command] [0 - 1000] Sets the permission levels for specified commands. Use cp list to view all permission levels.
listplayers Prints a list of all connected players along with more information.
version Prints the current game version along with any installed mods.
water limit [amount] Limits how many water flow updates can occur at once.
thirsty Makes the player thirsty.
spectrum [spectrum id] Sets the games lighting spectrum, which will affect how the sky looks.
gettime Tells the current game time, including date and day.
spawnscouts [steam id/player name/entity id] [x y z] Spawns scouting zombies at the designated location.
listents Lists all entities currently in the game.
shutdown Shuts the server down.
spawnairdrop Spawns an air drop anywhere on the map.
staticmap Switches the map between static or dynamic on the 'Navezgane' map.
listplayerids Lists all players connected to the server with entity ID's.
setgamestat [game stat] [value] Sets the specified game stat to another value. Use getgamestat for a list of all stats.
getgamestat [string] Prints a list of all game stats.
setgamepref [game preference] [value] Sets the game preference to a specified value.
getgamepref [string] Prints a list of all game preferences to the console.
starve Makes the player hungry.
settempunit [c/f] Sets the temperature unity to Celsius or Fahrenheit.
memcl Prints client RAM information to the console.
mem Prints server RAM information to the console.
traderarea Prints a list of all trader areas with their coordinates to the console.
exportitemicons Exports all item icons as PNGs in the 'ItemIcons' folder.
lights Toggles light debug mode, showing the range of lighting effects.
shownexthordetime Shows the next time a wandering horde will spawn.
pplist Prints all persistent player data to the console.
clear Clears all text and messages from the console.
listthreads Lists all cpu threads the game is currently using.
spawnscreen Plays a spawn screen effect, such as blurring the screen.
showalbedo Toggles the display of albedo in gBuffer.
settime ['day'/'night'] [0-24000] [d hh mm] Sets the current time in game. Can also be used to change the current date.
help [command] Shows all commands or helps with a specified command.
sounddebug Toggles the SoundManager debug output.
shownormals Toggles the display of normal maps in gBuffer.
loggamestate [header] [true/false] Logs information about the game to either the Client [true] or Server [false]
chunkcache Displays all of the chunks currently loaded in the cache.
loglevel [log level] [true/false] Toggles log messages for the specified log level.
saveworld Forces a save of the current world.
showchunkdata Prints information about the chunk the player is currently in.
aiddebug Toggles the AIDirector debug output.
showspecular Toggles the display of specular value in gBuffer.

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