How to kick or ban players on a Vintage Story server

Vintage Story servers can be fun places to build communities of people looking to express their creative interests. While servers can be made private by adding a Server Password, some unknown users can still slip through the cracks, or problems can arise on the server itself, resulting in troublemakers needing to be removed. This can be done with either the kick or ban command; these commands are the primary moderating tool for vintage story servers and can be extremely useful when monitoring public servers.

Note Commands can be entered in-game if the player has Admin Privileges.

How to Kick or Ban Players on a Vintage Story Server
Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. From the console tab, remove players by using the commands from the table below; it is not required to give a reason.

Command Description Example

/Kick [Player Name] [Reason]

Kicks the target player from the server and displays the reason when given.

/Kick Steve For being mean

 /Ban [Player Name] [Timespan (hour|day|week|year)] [Reason]

Bans the target player from the server for the set timespan. They cannot join unless unbanned.

/ban Steve 1 year Uninvited

/Unban [Player Name]

Unbans a designated currently banned player by removing them from the ban list.

/Unban Steve

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