How to create a OneBlock Minecraft server

Minecraft OneBlock is a very easy-to-run plugin with a unique and engaging game mode that condenses the traditional Minecraft survival experience into a single floating block. In this innovative gameplay, players start with just one block and gradually expand their world by breaking and placing it strategically. The challenge lies in utilizing the limited resources from the single block to progress through various stages, making OneBlock a dynamic and compact version of the classic Minecraft adventure.

OneBlock requires PaperMC or Spigot. Learn how to install PaperMC or Spigot here.
OP Permission is required to setup OneBlock. Learn how to give OP Permissions here.

How to Create a OneBlock Minecraft Server
1. Download OneBlock here.

2. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

3. Stop the server.

4. Go to the Files tab.

5. Open the plugins folder.

6. Upload the .jar file from Step 1.

7. Start the server.

How to Start Using OneBlock
1. Look for a starting location and type /ob set. This command will spawn a grass block as the first available island at the player's location.

. Enter /ob join to join the game. Players can reset their island progress by entering /ob IDReset.

. Destroy the regenerating grass block. The objective of OneBlock is to build an island with limited resources.


Command Description
/ob set Sets the first block. Run this once while in the air.
/ob set [radius] This command changes the distance islands can spawn from each other with a radius between 100-500.
/ob circlemode [true | false] Tells the plugin to create new islands in a circular pattern.
/ob join Joins the first available island.
/ob autojoin [true | false] Sets if players are automatically sent to their island when joining the world.
/ob protection [true | false] When set to true, players cannot leave their island.
/ob droptossup [true | false] When set to true, items are spawned one block above the regenerating block instead of being dropped as usual.
/ob physics [true | false] When set to true, it allows blocks such as sand or gravel to experience gravity.
/ob invite [player] Invites a player to join the island.
/ob accept Accepts an invitation from another player.
/ob kick [player] Kicks player off the island.
/ob IDReset Resets all progress, Players will lose their level and island so that a new island can be created.
/ob islands [true | false] If set to true, new islands will be automatically created for new players.
/ob islands set_my_by_def Uses own island as the default template for new players.
/ob islands default Resets the island template to the default. (One grass block)
/ob island_rebirth [true | false] When set to true, players will respawn on their island instead of the default world spawn.
/ob progress_bar color [color] Changes the color of the progress bar.
/ob progress_bar [true | false] If set to true, this command will display the progress bar at the top of the screen.
/ob clear [player] An admin command used to reset a player's progress.

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