How to add custom missions to an Arma 3 server

Arma 3 offers players the ability to create custom missions. These missions range from small-scale operations to large-scale battles that involve dozens of players. With the ability to create custom missions, players can enjoy endless replayability in Arma 3 and continue challenging themselves and others with new and exciting gameplay experiences. Additionally, adding mods is a great way to enhance gameplay further. Learn how to add mods to an Arma 3 server here.

How to Add Custom Missions to an Arma 3 Server
1. From the Arma Steam page, choose the Workshop tab.

2. Subscribe to the desired Custom Mission.

3. Wait a minute for Arma 3 to update.

4. Find the following directory locally: SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/107410 .

5. Open the folder with the desired mission's workshop ID from Step 2.

6. Rename the file to MissionName.Terrain.pbo .

Note MissionName is the name of the Steam Workshop mission. Terrain is the map of the Steam Workshop mission.

7. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

8. Stop the server.

9. Go to the Files tab.

10. Choose the mpmissions folder.

11. Upload the .pbo file from Step 6.

12. Go back to the root directory and open server.cfg.

13. Navigate to the // Missions Cycle line.

14. Under a class Mission, change the value of template = to the name of the .pbo file without the .pbo .

15. Press the Save Content button.

16. Start the server. 

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