How to edit server settings on The Front server

Server settings on The Front server encompass a range of customizable parameters that influence the gameplay experience in the popular multiplayer survival game. Server administrators can control player gathering rates, resource stack limits, and experience rates. These settings allow for a tailored gaming environment, enabling server owners to create diverse and unique The Front experiences for their community.

How to Edit Server Settings on The Front Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Under the Config Files tab, select ServerConfig.

4. Modify the desired settings.

Setting Description
ServerFightModeType Change gameplay mode to 0-PvP or 1-PvE
IsCanSelfDamage Allows self player damage
IsCanFriendDamage Enables friendly fire
ClearSeverTime Sets the date YYYY-MM-DD for server data wipe, or -- to disable
UseSteamSocket Starts the server using P2P mode
Port Indicates the game port
BeaconPort Indicates the lobby port
ShutDownServicePort Indicates the close server listening port
QueryPort Indicates the Steam remote port from 27015-27050
SaveWorldInterval Time in seconds before the world auto-saves from 150-600
GMOverlapRatio The stack limit for each item type from 1-100
IsUnLockAllTalentAndRecipe Unlocks all talents and recipes for new players
GMBagInitGirdNum Max inventory slots for a player from 1-80
GreenHand Enables Novice Protection for new players
CharacterInitItem Player items on respawn (Item ID, Quality, Amount;)
GMDeathDropMode Drop on death mode from 0-No drops, 1-Drops all, to 2=Drops only inventory
GMDeathInventoryLifeSpan Items dropped on death decay time from 0-3600 seconds
CorpsePickAuthority Corpse loot permissions from 0-Self, 1-Friendly, to 2-All
GMCanDropItem Enables item drops from creatures and constructs
GMCanDiscardItem Allows the item discard ability for players
GMDiscardBoxLifeSpan Discarded items will decay in seconds from 0-600 set by 10s
GMRebirthBaseCD Basic revive cooldown from 0-60 seconds
GMRebirthExtraCD Multiple death extra cooldown interval from 0-20
GMPenaltiesMaxNum Maximum death extra cooldown stacks from 0-10
GMPenaltiesCD Time alive before death stack cooldown will reset from 0-600
ConstructEnableRot Enables constructions to decay over time
GMAttackCityCdRatio Supply deliveries cooldown multiple from 0-10
OpenAllHouseFlag Displays all locations of player beacons on the map
IsCanChat Toggles chat for players
IsShowBlood Toggles blood effects when damaged
SensitiveWords Toggles profanity
HealthDyingState Enables wounded state when player reaches 0 HP
IsShowGmTitle Displays a special admin icon
PlayerHotDefAddRate Character heat resistance multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
PlayerIceDefAddRate Character cold resistance multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
HeadNameDisplayDist_Team Display distance for friendly names from 0-400 in meters
HeadNameDisplayDist_Enemy Display distance for non-friendly names from 0-40 in meters
PlayerDeathAvatarItemDurableRate Equipped item durability decay on death from 0-1 set by 0.1
PlayerDeatShortcutItemDurableRate Hotbar item durability decay on death from 0-1 set by 0.1
GMCraftTimeRate Item craft or repair time multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
PlayerAddExpRate All XP gain multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
PlayerKillAddExpRate Kill XP gain multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
PlayerFarmAddExpRate Gather XP gain multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
PlayerCraftAddExpRate Crafting XP gain multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
MoveSpeedRate Movement speed multiple from 0-5 set by 0.1
JumpRate Jump height multiple from 0-5 set by 0.1
PlayerLandedDamageRate Fall damage multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
PlayerMaxHealthRate Max HP multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
HealthRecoverRate HP recovery rate multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
PlayerMaxStaminaRate Max Stamina multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
StaminaRecoverRate Stamina recovery rate multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
PlayerStaminaCostRate Stamina consumption rate multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
PlayerMaxHungerRate Max fullness multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
GMHungerDecRatio Fullness consumption rate multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
GMBodyHungerAddRate Fullness recovery rate multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
MaxBodyWaterRate Max hydration multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
GMWaterDecRatio Hydration consumption rate multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
GMBodyWaterAddRate Hydration recovery rate multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
MaxBreathRate Max oxygen multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
BreathRecoverRate Oxygen recovery rate multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
PlayerBreathCostRate Oxygen consumption rate multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
GMPlayerHealthRate HP heal rate multiple from 1-100 set by 0.1
GMFoodDragDurationRate Food and med heal duration multiple from 0-10 set by 0.1
NpcRespawnRatio NPC respawn time multiple from 0-10
AnimalBodyStayTime Anime NPC corpse decay time from 10-300 seconds
HumanBodyStayTime Human NPC corpse decay time from 0-60 seconds
GMNPCLootableItemRatio Wild NPC drop rate multiple from 0-100
NpcSpawnLevelRatio Wild NPC spawn level multiple from 1-100
WildNPCDamageRate Wild NPC damage rate multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
WildNPCHealthRate Wild NPC HP rate multiple from 0.1-100 set by 0.1
WildNPCSpeedRate Wild NPC move speed multiple from 0.1-5 set by 0.1
CityNPCLevelRate Raid NPC level multiple from 1-100
CityNPCDamageRate Raid NPC damage multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
CityNPCHealthRate Raid NPC HP rate multiple from 0.1-10 set by 0.1
CityNPCSpeedRate Raid NPC move speed multiple from 0.1-5 set by 0.1
CityNPCNumRate Raid NPC total multiple from 0.1-100 set by 0.1
NpcDisplayDistance NPC name display distance multiple from 0-50
GMInventoryGainRate Collected resources multiple from 0-100
GMCityATKNPCLootItemRatio Raid NPC item drop rate multiple from 0-100
GMMaxHouseFlagNumber Max beacons per player total from 1-5
GMSetGJConstructMaxNumRatio Max work-type constructs build multiple from 1-10
GMHFTrapMaxNum Max number of traps within a beacon from 0-10000 set by 10
GMHFTurretMaxNum Max number of turrets within a beacon from 0-10000 set by 10
GMConstructDefenseRatio Damage taken multiple by constructs from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMTrapDefenseRatio Damage taken multiple by trap constructs from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMTurretDefenseRatio Damage taken multiple by turret constructs from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMTrapDamageRatio Trap damage rate multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMTurretDamageRatio Turret damage rate multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMConstructMaxHealthRatio Construct durability rate multiple from 0.1-100 set by 0.1
GMConstructReturnHPRatio Construct durability recovery rate multiple from 0-100
GMHouseFlagRepairHealthRatio Construct auto-repair speed near a beacon multiple from 0-100
GMTTC_Oil_Rate Oil well collection multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMWaterCollecter_Rate Dew Collector collection multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMTTC_Ore_Rate Mine collection multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMTTC_Fish_Rate Fish Baskets collection multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
CHFDamagedByPlayer Beacon player-gun damage taken multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
CHFDamagedByVehicle Beacon vehicle-damage taken multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
CHFDamagedByNpc Beacon NPC-damage taken multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1
GMHouseFlagExcitantTime Beacon daily non-protection duration time from 0-24
GMMaxRetrieveProductsRate Max gains from collections from -1-1000
GMTreeGainRate Wood collection multiple from 0-1000
GMBushGainRate Plant collection multiple from 0-1000
GMOreGainRate Ore collection multiple from 0-1000
GMCropVegetableReapRatio Crop collection multiple from 0-1000
GMFleshGainRate Corpse item collection multiple from 1-1000
GMCropVegetableGrowRatio Planted crops growth speed multiple from 0-100 set by 0.1

5. Press the Save Content button.

6. Start the server.

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