Minecraft Bedrock server properties guide

Minecraft Bedrock server properties allow players to customize various aspects of their Bedrock edition server. These properties control features such as the game mode, difficulty level, player limits, and world generation settings. The following guide provides an overview of each setting and briefly explains its function. Understanding and configuring these server properties can significantly enhance the overall gaming experience for server administrators and players, ensuring that the server aligns with their preferences and gameplay style.

Note Learn how to edit Minecraft Bedrock server settings here.

Minecraft Server Properties for Bedrock Guide

Setting Description
server-name=Dedicated Server Sets the name of the server.
gamemode=survival Sets the gamemode on the server. The values are survival, creative, and adventure. The gamemode of existing players will not change unless the server sets force-gamemode=true.
force-gamemode=false Sets whether a player's gamemode reverts to the server gamemode when joining, regardless of their last session.
difficulty=easy Sets the difficulty of the game. The values are peaceful, easy, normal, and hard.
allow-cheats=false Sets whether cheat commands can run on the server.
max-players=10 Sets the maximum number of players on the server. A higher number of players consume more server resources.
online-mode=true Sets whether the server checks joining players are authenticated to Xbox Live. Players connecting to non-LAN servers go through Xbox Live authentication regardless. Recommended to leave on true for security.
allow-list=false Sets whether allowlisting is enabled. Players not on the allowlist cannot connect.
server-port=19132 Sets the IPv4 port of the server.
server-portv6=19133 Sets the IPv6 port of the server.
view-distance=32 Sets the view distance, overriding client settings. Lower values reduce lag.
  Sets the number of chunks ticking away from the player ranging from 4 to 12. Lower values can improve performance.
player-idle-timeout=30 Sets the idle time in minutes before kicking a player. Input 0 to disable.
max-threads=8 Sets the maximum server threads. Input 0 to use as many threads as possible.
level-name=Bedrock level Sets the world name and folder save.
level-seed= Generates a world seed. If left blank, it generates a random seed.
default-player-permission-level=member Sets the permission level for new players: visitor, member, or operator.
texturepack-required=false Requires players to accept the server texture pack. Declining will disconnect the player.
content-log-file-enabled=false Sets whether logging content errors to a file is enabled or not.
compression-threshold=1 Sets the networking packets below the value to be compressed. Recommended to leave on default.

Sets whether server authoritative movement is enabled or not. Corrections will only happen if the server sets correct-player-movement=true.

client-auth - The server will use player-movement settings instead of corrections.
server-auth - The server will send corrections to the player if they do not match the server's position.
server-auth-with-rewind - The server will rewind the player's time, apply the correction, then replay all player inputs since then. It will be much smoother but with more frequent corrections.

player-movement-score-threshold=20 Sets the duration of time to detect abnormal movement between player and server positions. The player gets kicked from the server when exceeding the threshold. The value is in milliseconds.

Sets the amount of difference between a player's attack and look directions. The value ranges between 0 and 1.

0 - Two directions can differ by up to and including 90 degrees.
1 - The directions must exactly match.

player-movement-distance-threshold=0.3 Sets the threshold to exceed to detect abnormal movement between player and server positions. The value is in milliseconds.
player-movement-duration-threshold-in-ms=500 Sets the duration of player and server positions being out of sync before incrementing their abnormal movement score. The value is in milliseconds.
correct-player-movement=false Sets whether corrections apply to player positions to match the server.
server-authoritative-block-breaking=false Sets whether the server synchronizes block mining operations with the player. The server verifies the player's ability to break blocks when they believe they can.

Represents the level of restriction applied to the chat for each player that joins the server. The values are none, dropped, and disabled.

None - Default and represents regular free chat.
Dropped - Chat messages are dropped and never sent to any client. Players receive a message to let them know the feature is disabled.
Disabled - The chat UI is hidden for non-OP players. No information is displayed to the player.

Minecraft Bedrock server properties allow server administrators to customize and control various aspects of their server. By adjusting these settings, they can create unique gameplay experiences and tailor the server environment to suit their preferences and the needs of their players. With the flexibility provided by server properties, Minecraft Bedrock servers can be personalized and optimized for an enjoyable experience.

Helpful Links 
Minecraft Bedrock Server Properties Wiki
Edit Minecraft Bedrock Server Settings
Add a Resource Pack to a Minecraft Bedrock Server
Add a Behavior Pack to a Minecraft Bedrock Server

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