How to schedule automatic restarts on the Games panel

Scheduling automatic restarts on any server on the BisectHosting Games panel can play a crucial role in maintaining stability. Freeing up system resources by automatically restarting servers at set intervals reduces the risk of crashes and downtime. Automatic server restarts can also help to keep the server running smoothly, reducing lag and latency and ensuring that players can connect and play the game without interruption. Automated restarts can be scheduled during off-peak hours to minimize player disruption while efficiently managing server performance and reliability.

How to Schedule Automatic Restarts on the Games panel
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Go to the Schedules tab.

3. Choose the Create Schedule button.

4. Input a Schedule Name.

5. Set the Start Time.

6. Set the Interval of the server restart. A 12 to 24-hour interval is recommended.

7. Choose the Create Schedule button.

8. Select the newly created schedule.

9. Choose the New Task button.

10. From the Action dropdown menu, select Send power action.

11. From the Payload dropdown menu, select Restart the Server.

12. Choose the Create Task button. The server will now restart at the designated intervals.

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