All Ancient Spire Locations Enshrouded

Enshrouded has many challenges for players, from tough bosses to elaborate dungeons. These locations nearly always have great rewards. Ancient spires are very similar, as they require players to defeat the enemies within and complete challenging puzzles to unlock the spire as a fast travel point. Due to the height of these spires, they can be fantastic starting points for Farming Materials, and they can be spotted from very far away, making them an ideal first stop for players exploring a new region.

All Ancient Spire Locations Enshrouded

Table of Contents
Springlands Ancient Spire
Revelwood Ancient Spire
Low Meadows Ancient Spire
Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire
Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

What are Ancient Spires used for?
Ancient Spires are unique buildings in Enshrouded. These enormous towers are filled with challenging puzzles, enemies, and high-tier loot. In addition, all ancient spires function as Fast Travel Points after being cleared. Since the spires are so tall, they are beneficial for exploration, serving as the perfect take-off points for gliding to critical locations. Bringing a Ranged Weapon is recommended, as they are required for many of the tower's puzzles.

Springlands Ancient Spire
The Springland's ancient spire is just north of where players begin the game. It can be seen in the distance from the first Ancient Vault that the flameborn awake from.

Revelwood Ancient Spire
The Revelwood ancient spire is found along the western edge of the map. The spire overlooks an enshrouded area and is a great spot to farm the nearby Scavenger Encampment.

Low Meadows Ancient Spire
The Low Meadows ancient spire is found east of the springlands, along the map's southern edge. Players may have to cross through a nearby enshrouded area to reach this spire.

Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire
The Nomad Highlands spire is found just north of the Umber Hollow. The Umber Hollow is a high-level shroud area, making this spire a fantastic way to farm gear.

Kindlewastes Ancient Spire
The Kindlewastes ancient spire is located on the eastern edge of the map. This is the highest-level tower available and contains challenging enemies. Additionally, there is a nearby Sun Temple, which is fantastic for acquiring gear.

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