How to download a save from an Ark server

Transferring an Ark server world to a singleplayer game is helpful for players who want to continue a save after their rental period by themselves. This also can be used to make changes to the server while offline, uploading it again later; this makes it an extremely valuable method when adding custom events/structures to servers. Downloading a save also helps when testing for bugs, ensuring the server runs smoothly while online.

An FTP client is required to transfer files onto the Ark server manually.
Follow this tutorial to learn how to use an FTP client. 

Note Learn how to find the SteamID64 here.

Note Some single-player configurations may differ from server configurations. Make a note of any custom game settings. Learn how to edit server settings here.

How to Download a Save from an Ark Server
1. Right-click ARK: Survival Evolved on Steam, hover Manage and select Browse Local Files.

2. Find the following directory: steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArksLocal .

3. Minimize the folder to use later in the tutorial.

4. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

5. Stop the server.

6. Log in to the Ark server using an FTP client.

7. Find the following directory: ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks .

8. Drag and drop the files from the server to the local directory, replacing all files.

9. Rename the desired .arkprofile from [SteamID].arkprofile , to LocalPlayer.arkprofile , this will be the player character.

10. Return to the BisectHosting Games panel.

11. Go to the Files tab.

12. Find the following directory: /home/container/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer .

13. Mark the checkboxes beside Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini.

14. Choose Download.

15. Return to the local Ark folder and navigate to the following directory: steamapps/common/Ark/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor .

16. Replace the Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini with the ones from the server.

17. Launch the game and choose Host Local to load the save in singleplayer.

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