How to use a Steam beta branch on a Counter Strike 2 server

Counter Strike 2 servers have many Steam beta branches available, allowing users to test new and upcoming features, revert to older patches, or try experimental builds. However, the open branches can have some unstable features, and users should be cautious when attempting to play on specific branches. For example, the 'rkvtest' beta utilizes the Vulkan renderer, which can cause large frame drops and game instability.

Note Backup files locally to avoid losing any necessary files.

How to Use a Steam Beta Branch on a Counter Strike 2 Server

1. From the Steam library, right-click Counter Strike 2 and select Properties.

2. Go to the Betas tab.

3. Select the desired beta branch from the drop-down menu.

4. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

5. Stop the server.

6. Go to the Startup tab.

7. Navigate to the SteamCMD Beta panel.

7. Enter the name of the beta used in step 3.

8. Start the server. The beta version will be installed and updated during the server start.

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