How to change the tModLoader version on a Terraria server

Staying on a tModLoader version for a Terraria server can provide stability and compatibility. If a mod configuration works well, sticking to a particular tModLoader version ensures a consistent server experience and avoids potential compatibility issues. Additionally, remaining on a known version allows for a stable environment without introducing possible bugs or conflicts.

Note Make backups locally to save any necessary files.

How to Change the tModLoader Version on a Terraria Server
1. Open the tModLoader GitHub page here.

2. Copy the desired version numbers.

3. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

4. Stop the server.

5. Go to the Startup tab.

6. On the TMODLOADERVERSION table, paste the version from step 2.

Note To revert to the most updated version, input latest.

Go to the Home tab.

On the Update Server table, hit the Update button. This may take a few minutes.

Start the server.

How to Change the tModLoader Version on a Terraria Client
1. From the Steam library, right-click tModLoader and click Properties.

2. Go to the Betas tab on the left.

3. On the Beta Participation dropdown, select the desired version.

Note To revert to the most updated version, choose None.

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