How to upload a single-player world to a Factorio server

Uploading a single-player world to a Factorio server allows players to continue their progress in the game with friends. Connecting to a server can offer new opportunities for collaboration and teamwork with other players. They can share resources and work together to build more complex and efficient factories, which can be a rewarding experience for those looking for a more social aspect of the game. 

The server must be connected to an FTP client. Follow this tutorial to learn how to connect a server to an FTP client.

How to Upload a Single-Player World to a Factorio Server

 From the desktop, search %appdata% and hit enter. 

2. Find the following directory: AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves .

3. Open the Factorio server with an FTP client.

4. Choose the Saves folder.

5. Drag the save file from the local saves folder into the Saves folder on the Factorio server. 

6. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

7. Stop the server.

8. Go to the Startup tab.

9. Change the Save Name to the name of the .zip file. (make sure not to include any special characters or spaces)

10. Start the server.

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