How to add and remove admins on an Ark server

Adding and removing admins on an Ark server is essential for effective server management and security. Admins have access to powerful tools that allow them to manage the server's settings, including player bans and configuration changes. To learn more about editing ARK server settings, click here. By carefully managing admins, server owners can provide a smooth and secure gaming experience for all players on their Ark server.

An admin must enter the enable cheats command every time they log on. To permanently add and remove admins to the Ark server, a text document must be created (shown further in this tutorial). 

Note The Admin Password will not create admins by having someone enable cheats on the server.

Note Learn how to find the SteamID64 here.

How to Add and Remove Admins on an Ark Server (Temporary):

 Log in to the BisectHosting Games Panel.

2. Stop the server. 

3. Go to the Startup tab.

4. Change the admin password to something hard to guess for others on the server but one distributable to the server admins. 

5. Start the server.

6. From the Ark server, hit tab and type enablecheats [adminpassword] .

Test this works by using an admin command (example: admincheat fly).

How to Add and Remove Admins on an Ark Server (Permanent):
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games Panel.

2. Stop the server. 

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Find the following directory /home/container/ShooterGame/Saved .

5. Select the Create drop-down button and choose Create File. 

6. Enter in the SteamID64 for each admin. Each SteamID64 needs to be separated by a line break.

7. Click the Save Content button.

8. Save the document as AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt .

9. Start the server. 

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