How to access the Hollow Halls in Enshrouded

Enshrouded has an exciting new content update that introduces the 'Hollow Halls,' which are multiple challenging dungeons added to each biome. These halls allow players to unlock a new NPC, craft new items, and acquire new crafting stations. These dungeons can be challenging, so stock up on the Best Spells and Food available before tackling them. These dungeons include fighting vast hordes of enemies, solving puzzles, and searching for secret rooms or chests to acquire new legendary weapons.

How to Access the Hollow Halls in Enshrouded
1. To access the Hollow Halls, the player must rescue All Other Survivors from their ancient vaults. Afterward, the Alchemist will offer a new quest: Descend Into the Hollow Halls.

2. The quest leads to the entrance of the halls, found in the Southwest Corner of the map.

3. Approach the Gated Entrance and proceed to begin the dungeon.

4. A new NPC named the Collector (or Necromancer) unlocks multiple recipes for the new resource, Ectoplasm. They can be found at the End of the Dungeon.

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