Minecraft Experimental Snapshot 1.18 V3 Introduces New Biome
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 went off fantastically with many of the top features of the original update. But that doesn’t mean Caves and Cliffs part 2 won’t also pack a punch.
To get a taste of the upcoming Minecraft Caves and Cliffs 1.18 Caves and Cliffs part 2, you can now try out one of its upcoming biomes on the latest Minecraft Experimental Snapshot!
Minecraft 1.18 Experimental Snapshot
The newest look at Minecraft 1.18 comes with a new Experimental Snapshot update.
This update includes a new biome that we’ll see in the next edition of Caves and Cliffs, Stony Peaks.
Stony Peaks is a more textured variation of the Lofty Peaks biome, a biome that will clean up the way mountains look and generate in Minecraft.
This biome will join the Grove, Meadow, Snowy Slopes, and Snow Capped Peaks in the official update.
To download the new Experimental update and try out the upcoming Minecraft 1.18 biome - you can find the official version here.
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Patch Notes
The latest Minecraft 1.18 Experimental Snapshot update doesn’t just bring the upcoming Stony Peaks biome, but also plenty of other changes in its patch notes.
Read over the biggest changes from the Minecraft 1.18 Experimental update patch notes below:
- Tweaked biome placement to reduce the risk of temperature clashes (such as a snowy biome in the middle of a desert). Temperature clashes still happen, but not as often.
- Tweaked biome placement to allow for more noisiness and diversity again, essentially dialing back some of the changes from last snapshot. This means microbiomes are more likely to happen again, but they will usually be of matching temperatures (for example a small forest inside a plains biome).
- Red sand is back! Tweaked badlands so they sometimes show up in flat areas next to plateaus, and made the red sand generate higher up (to account for the generally higher terrain).
- Made peak biomes and meadows less likely to generate in flat low elevation areas.
- Smoothed out the cliffs in shattered terrain a bit, so they don't look like chunk errors.
- Snowy slopes and snowcapped peaks no longer place dirt under the snow. Mountains look less dirty now :)
- Added a new mountain biome: Stony peaks. This is just a variant of lofty/snowcapped peaks that uses stone and gravel instead of snow and ice, and is used to avoid temperature clashes such as a snowcapped peak sticking up from a jungle.
- Added structures to some of the new mountain biomes. Pillager outposts generate in all the new mountain biomes. Villages generate in meadows.
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- Tweaked beaches a bit, to make them more inclined to show up on flat coastlines rather than hilly areas. Also reduced the amount of stone shores.
- Coastlines and river banks are less likely to get messed up by aquifers. That is, local water levels are mostly used in terrain that doesn't border a river or ocean. Cave openings and ravines that intersect an ocean or river will mostly use sea level.
- Inland low-elevation areas are less likely to have flooded caves all over the place.
- Aquifers can go deeper and are more likely to connect with cave systems further down. That means if you dive into a deep lake on the surface (or in a mountain), you will sometimes encounter air pockets that lead to a cave system.
- Added more high-frequency variation to aquifers, to reduce the risk of massively huge areas with waterfilled caves everywhere. Underground lakes and flooded regions are more likely to be spread out instead of concentrated in one region.
- Fixed goat spawning (they weren't spawning in the new mountain biomes)
- Swamps are less likely to overlap cold or dry biomes, and they no longer place hanging water. Swamps are even happier now.
- Desert temples spawn on the surface rather than at a fixed y level.
- Eroded badlands no longer create floating pillars on top of the water surface.
- Grass no longer generates under water
- Reduced the risk of incorrect surface placement such as grass patches in deserts.
- Reduced the risk of river biome generating in dry mountain gorges. We don't have support for actual rivers generating above sea level, so if a mountain gorge is above sea level then it will be dry.
- Mob spawning no longer speeds up in low terrain or slows down in high terrain. The new spawning speed is similar to 1.17 spawning at y=64. The change intends to make spawning more consistent in the updated overworld.
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