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How to Spawn Items in Valheim

Posted on by justin
Tired of spending countless hours searching and grinding for items in Valheim? Perhaps you decided to use the game’s debug mode to spawn the items you want immediately, such as food and mead. If an in-game moral compass doesn’t bind you, using console commands in Valheim to spawn items based on their IDs can skip some troublesome steps along your journey. With that, here's how to spawn items in Valheim using their item ids and console commands.

How To Use Console Commands In Valheim

Valheim Spawn Items Command Before you can spawn items in Valheim, you must first learn how to use the game’s console commands. Start by pressing the “F5” key to open the console command box. Next, enable the use of cheats by typing devcommands. If you’re using a controller, you can press the right bumper, left bumper, right trigger, and left trigger buttons simultaneously. If done correctly, the console command box should appear. Note: Any cheat, including the one used to spawn items, is only available in the single-player mode of Valheim. Attempting to use any cheat in multiplayer will only result in a regular chat message.

Spawning Items in Valheim

Valheim Spawn Items With cheats enabled, type the following code to spawn any item:
  • Spawn [item] [quantity] [level] [p/e/i]
The three letters at the end of the text string are:
  • p: attempts to place the item in the player’s inventory (as long as there’s space)
  • e: attempts to use or equip the item
  • i: spawn the item in front of the player and only if there’s no identical item in the player’s inventory
So, if you want to spawn a cooked fish and place it directly into your inventory, you can type:
  • Spawn FishCooked 1 p
Note: You can also use this code to spawn certain in-game creatures.

Valheim Item IDs

Sometimes, typing the name of the item won’t yield results. Instead, you must type its item ID. With that, here are all of the Valheim item ids that you can use with the spawn command at the time of writing.
  • Cart
  • Raft
  • Karve
  • VikingShip
  • Trailership
  • Bread
  • BloodPudding
  • Blueberries
  • Carrot
  • CarrotSoup
  • Cloudberry
  • CookedLoxMeat
  • CookedMeat
  • FishCooked
  • Honey
  • Mushroom
  • MushroomBlue
  • MushroomYellow
  • NeckTailGrilled
  • Raspberry
  • QueensJam
  • Sausages
  • SerpentMeatCooked
  • SerpentStew
  • Turnip
  • TurnipStew
Meads & Mead Bases
  • MeadBaseFrostResist
  • MeadBaseHealthMedium
  • MeadBaseHealthMinor
  • MeadBasePoisonResist
  • MeadBaseStaminaMedium
  • MeadBaseStaminaMinor
  • MeadBaseTasty
  • MeadFrostResist
  • MeadHealthMedium
  • MeadHealthMinor
  • MeadPoisonResist
  • MeadStaminaMedium
  • MeadStaminaMinor
  • MeadTasty
Crafting Items
  • Amber
  • AmberPearl
  • AncientSeed
  • Barley
  • BarleyFlour
  • BarleyWine
  • BarleyWineBase
  • BeechSeeds
  • BlackMetal
  • BlackMetalScrap
  • Bloodbag
  • BoneFragments
  • Bronze
  • BronzeNails
  • BoneFragments
  • CarrotSeeds
  • Chitin
  • Coal
  • Coins
  • Copper
  • CopperOre
  • CryptKey
  • Crystal
  • Dandelion
  • DeerHide
  • DragonEgg
  • DragonTear
  • ElderBark
  • Entrails
  • Feathers
  • FineWood
  • FirCone
  • FishingBai
  • FishRaw
  • FishWraps
  • Flametal
  • FlametalOre
  • Flax
  • Flint
  • FreezeGland
  • GreydwarfEye
  • Guck
  • HardAntler
  • Iron
  • IronNails
  • IronOre
  • IronScrap
  • LeatherScraps
  • LinenThread
  • LoxMeat
  • LoxPelt
  • LoxPie
  • Needle
  • Obsidian
  • Ooze
  • PineCone
  • QueenBee
  • Ruby
  • SerpentScale
  • SharpeningStone
  • Silver
  • SilverNecklace
  • SilverOre
  • Stone
  • SurtlingCore
  • Thistle
  • Tin
  • TinOre
  • TrollHide
  • TurnipSeeds
  • WitheredBone
  • WolfFang
  • WolfPelt
  • Wood
  • YmirRemains
  • NeckTail
  • RawMeat
  • Resin
  • RoundLog
  • SerpentMeat
  • YagluthDrop
  • AtgeirBlackmetal
  • AtgeirBronze
  • AtgeirIron
  • Battleaxe
  • Bow
  • BowDraugrFang
  • BowFineWood
  • BowHuntsman
  • KnifeBlackMetal
  • KnifeChitin
  • KnifeCopper
  • KnifeFlint
  • MaceBronze
  • MaceIron
  • MaceNeedle
  • MaceSilver
  • ShieldBanded
  • ShieldBlackmetal
  • ShieldBlackmetalTower
  • ShieldBronzeBuckler
  • ShieldIronSquare
  • ShieldIronTower
  • ShieldKnight
  • ShieldSerpentscale
  • ShieldSilver
  • ShieldWood
  • ShieldWoodTower
  • SledgeIron
  • SledgeStagbreaker
  • SpearBronze
  • SpearChitin
  • SpearElderbark
  • SpearFlint
  • SpearWolfFang
  • SwordBlackmetal
  • SwordBronze
  • SwordCheat
  • SwordIron
  • SwordIronFire
  • SwordSilver
  • Tankard
  • TankardOdin
  • Club
  • Torch
  • ArmorBronzeChest
  • ArmorBronzeLegs
  • ArmorIronChest
  • ArmorIronLegs
  • ArmorLeatherChest
  • ArmorLeatherLegs
  • ArmorPaddedCuirass
  • ArmorPaddedGreaves
  • ArmorRagsChest
  • ArmorRagsLegs
  • ArmorTrollLeatherChest
  • ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
  • ArmorWolfChest
  • ArmorWolfLegs
  • CapeDeerHide
  • CapeLinen
  • CapeLox
  • CapeOdin
  • CapeTest
  • CapeTrollHide
  • CapeWolf
  • HelmetBronze
  • HelmetDrake
  • HelmetDverger
  • HelmetIron
  • HelmetLeather
  • HelmetOdin
  • HelmetPadded
  • HelmetTrollLeather
  • HelmetYule
  • AxeBronze
  • AxeFlint
  • AxeIron
  • AxeStone
  • AxeBlackMetal
  • PickaxeAntler
  • PickaxeBronze
  • PickaxeIron
  • PickaxeStone
  • Cultivator
  • FishingRod
  • Hammer
  • Hoe
  • ArrowBronze
  • ArrowFire
  • ArrowFlint
  • ArrowFrost
  • ArrowIron
  • ArrowNeedle
  • ArrowObsidian
  • ArrowPoison
  • ArrowSilver
  • ArrowWood
  • BonePileSpawner
  • Spawner_Blob
  • Spawner_BlobElite
  • Spawner_Boar
  • Spawner_Draugr
  • Spawner_Draugr_Elite
  • Spawner_Draugr_Noise
  • Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
  • Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
  • Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
  • Spawner_DraugrPile
  • Spawner_Fenring
  • Spawner_Fish4
  • Spawner_Ghost
  • Spawner_Goblin
  • Spawner_GoblinArcher
  • Spawner_GoblinBrute
  • Spawner_GoblinShaman
  • Spawner_Greydwarf
  • Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
  • Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
  • Spawner_GreydwarfNest
  • Spawner_Hatchling
  • Spawner_imp
  • Spawner_imp_respawn
  • Spawner_Leech_cave
  • Spawner_Location_Elite
  • Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
  • Spawner_Location_Shaman
  • Spawner_Skeleton
  • Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
  • Spawner_Skeleton_poison
  • Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
  • Spawner_StoneGolem
  • Spawner_Troll
  • Spawner_Wraith
  • TrophyBlob
  • TrophyBoar
  • TrophyBonemass
  • TrophyDeathsquito
  • TrophyDeer
  • TrophyDragonQueen
  • TrophyDraugr
  • TrophyDraugrElite
  • TrophyDraugrFem
  • TrophyEikthyr
  • TrophyFenring
  • TrophyForestTroll
  • TrophyFrostTroll
  • TrophyGoblin
  • TrophyGoblinBrute
  • TrophyGoblinKing
  • TrophyGoblinShaman
  • TrophyGreydwarf
  • TrophyGreydwarfBrute
  • TrophyGreydwarfShaman
  • TrophyHatchling
  • TrophyLeech
  • TrophyLox
  • TrophyNeck
  • TrophySerpent
  • TrophySGolem
  • TrophySkeleton
  • TrophySkeletonPoison
  • TrophySurtling
  • TrophyTheElder
  • TrophyWolf
  • TrophyWraithTrophyBlob
  • TrophyBoar
  • TrophyBonemass
  • TrophyDeathsquito
  • TrophyDeer
  • TrophyDragonQueen
  • TrophyDraugr
  • TrophyDraugrElite
  • TrophyDraugrFem
  • TrophyEikthyr
  • TrophyFenring
  • TrophyForestTroll
  • TrophyFrostTroll
  • TrophyGoblin
  • TrophyGoblinBrute
  • TrophyGoblinKing
  • TrophyGoblinShaman
  • TrophyGreydwarf
  • TrophyGreydwarfBrute
  • TrophyGreydwarfShaman
  • TrophyHatchling
  • TrophyLeech
  • TrophyLox
  • TrophyNeck
  • TrophySerpent
  • TrophySGolem
  • TrophySkeleton
  • TrophySkeletonPoison
  • TrophySurtling
  • TrophyTheElder
  • TrophyWolf
  • TrophyWraith
Special Items
  • BeltStrength
  • Wishbone
  • HelmetDverger
Miscellaneous Items
  • GlowingMushroom
  • ancientbarkspear_projectile
  • aoe_nova
  • barrell
  • bed
  • bee_aoe
  • beech_log
  • beech_log_half
  • Beech_Sapling
  • Beech_small1
  • Beech_small2
  • Beech_Stub
  • Beech1
  • Beehive
  • Birch_log
  • Birch_log_half
  • Birch1
  • Birch1_aut
  • Birch2
  • Birch2_aut
  • BirchStub
  • blastfurnace
  • blob_aoe
  • BlueberryBush
  • boar_ragdoll
  • BombOoze
  • bonemass_aoe
  • bonemass_throw_projectile
  • bonfire
  • BossStone_Bonemass
  • BossStone_DragonQueen
  • BossStone_Eikthyr
  • BossStone_TheElder
  • BossStone_Yagluth
  • bow_projectile
  • bow_projectile_fire
  • bow_projectile_frost
  • bow_projectile_needle
  • bow_projectile_poison
  • bronzespear_projectile
  • bucket
  • Bush01
  • Bush01_heath
  • Bush02_en
  • CargoCrate
  • CastleKit_braided_box01
  • CastleKit_groundtorch
  • CastleKit_groundtorch_green
  • CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
  • CastleKit_pot03
  • Chain
  • charcoal_kiln
  • Chest
  • CloudberryBush
  • cultivate
  • dead_deer
  • Deathsquito_sting
  • deer_ragdoll
  • DeerGodExplosion
  • DG_Cave
  • DG_ForestCrypt
  • DG_GoblinCamp
  • DG_MeadowsFarm
  • DG_MeadowsVillage
  • DG_SunkenCrypt
  • digg
  • digg_v2
  • dragon_ice_projectile
  • draugr_arrow
  • draugr_bow_projectile
  • Draugr_elite_ragdoll
  • Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
  • Draugr_ragdoll
  • draugr_axe
  • draugr_bow
  • draugr_sword
  • eikthyr_ragdoll
  • dragoneggcup
  • dungeon_forestcrypt_door
  • dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
  • eventzone_bonemass
  • eventzone_eikthyr
  • eventzone_gdking
  • eventzone_goblinking
  • eventzone_moder
  • EvilHeart_Forest
  • EvilHeart_Swamp
  • Fenring_ragdoll
  • fermenter
  • fire_pit
  • FireFlies
  • FirTree
  • FirTree_log
  • FirTree_log_half
  • FirTree_oldLog
  • FirTree_Sapling
  • FirTree_small
  • FirTree_small_dead
  • FirTree_Stub
  • Fish1
  • Fish2
  • Fish3
  • Fish4_cave
  • FishingRodFloat
  • FishingRodFloatProjectile
  • Flies
  • flintspear_projectile
  • ForestTroll_ragdoll
  • forge
  • forge_ext1
  • forge_ext2
  • forge_ext3
  • forge_ext4
  • forge_ext5
  • forge_ext6
  • gdking_Ragdoll
  • gdking_root_projectile
  • goblin_banner
  • goblin_bed
  • Goblin_Dragdoll
  • goblin_fence
  • goblin_pole
  • goblin_pole_small
  • goblin_roof_45d
  • goblin_roof_45d_corner
  • goblin_roof_cap
  • goblin_stairs
  • goblin_stepladder
  • goblin_totempole
  • goblin_woodwall_1m
  • goblin_woodwall_2m
  • goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
  • GoblinArmband
  • GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
  • GoblinBrute_Attack
  • GoblinBrute_Backbones
  • GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
  • GoblinBrute_HipCloth
  • GoblinBrute_LegBones
  • GoblinBrute_ragdoll
  • GoblinBrute_RageAttack
  • GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
  • GoblinBrute_Taunt
  • GoblinKing_ragdoll
  • goblinking_totemholder
  • GoblinShaman_attack_poke
  • GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
  • GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
  • GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
  • GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
  • GoblinShaman_ragdoll
  • GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
  • GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
  • GoblinSpear_projectile
  • Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_throw_projectile
  • Greyling_ragdoll
  • guard_stone
  • guard_stone_test
  • GuckSack
  • GuckSack_small
  • Hatchling
  • hatchling_cold_projectile
  • Hatchling_ragdoll
  • HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
  • HealthUpgrade_GDKing
  • hearth
  • HeathRockPillar
  • HeathRockPillar_frac
  • highstone
  • highstone_frac
  • horizontal_web
  • HugeRoot1
  • ice_rock1
  • ice_rock1_frac
  • ice1
  • IceBlocker
  • Imp_fireball_projectile
  • iron_grate
  • itemstand
  • itemstandh
  • Leech_cave
  • Leviathan
  • LocationProxy
  • loot_chest_stone
  • loot_chest_wood
  • LootSpawner_pineforest
  • lox_ragdoll
  • lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
  • marker01
  • marker02
  • MineRock_Copper
  • MineRock_Iron
  • MineRock_Meteorite
  • MineRock_Obsidian
  • MineRock_Stone
  • MineRock_Tin
  • MountainGraveStone01
  • mud_road
  • mudpile
  • mudpile_beacon
  • mudpile_frac
  • mudpile_old
  • mudpile2
  • mudpile2_frac
  • Neck_Ragdoll
  • Oak_log
  • Oak_log_half
  • Oak1
  • OakStub
  • odin
  • OLD_wood_roof
  • OLD_wood_roof_icorner
  • OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
  • OLD_wood_roof_top
  • OLD_wood_wall_roof
  • oozebomb_explosion
  • oozebomb_projectile
  • path
  • paved_road
  • Pickable_Barley
  • Pickable_Barley_Wild
  • Pickable_BogIronOre
  • Pickable_Branch
  • Pickable_Carrot
  • Pickable_Dandelion
  • Pickable_DolmenTreasure
  • Pickable_DragonEgg
  • Pickable_Flax
  • Pickable_Flax_Wild
  • Pickable_Flint
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
  • Pickable_Item
  • Pickable_Meteorite
  • Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
  • Pickable_Mushroom
  • Pickable_Mushroom_blue
  • Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
  • Pickable_Obsidian
  • Pickable_RandomFood
  • Pickable_SeedCarrot
  • Pickable_SeedTurnip
  • Pickable_Stone
  • Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
  • Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
  • Pickable_Thistle
  • Pickable_Tin
  • Pickable_Turnip
  • piece_artisanstation
  • piece_banner01
  • piece_banner02
  • piece_banner03
  • piece_banner04
  • piece_banner05
  • piece_bed02
  • piece_beehive
  • piece_bench01
  • piece_brazierceiling01
  • piece_cauldron
  • piece_chair
  • piece_chair02
  • piece_chest
  • piece_chest_private
  • piece_chest_wood
  • piece_cookingstation
  • piece_gift1
  • piece_gift2
  • piece_gift3
  • piece_groundtorch
  • piece_groundtorch_green
  • piece_groundtorch_wood
  • piece_jackoturnip
  • piece_maypole
  • piece_sharpstakes
  • piece_spinningwheel
  • piece_stonecutter
  • piece_table
  • piece_throne01
  • piece_walltorch
  • piece_workbench
  • piece_workbench_ext1
  • piece_workbench_ext2
  • piece_workbench_ext3
  • piece_workbench_ext4
  • piece_xmastree
  • PineTree
  • Pinetree_01
  • Pinetree_01_Stub
  • PineTree_log
  • PineTree_log_half
  • PineTree_log_halfOLD
  • PineTree_logOLD
  • PineTree_Sapling
  • Player
  • Player_ragdoll
  • Player_ragdoll_old
  • Player_tombstone
  • PlayerUnarmed
  • portal
  • portal_wood
  • projectile_beam
  • projectile_chitinharpoon
  • projectile_meteor
  • projectile_wolffang
  • raise
  • RaspberryBush
  • replant
  • Rock_3
  • Rock_3_frac
  • Rock_4
  • Rock_4_plains
  • Rock_7
  • Rock_destructible
  • Rock_destructible_test
  • rock1_mountain
  • rock1_mountain_frac
  • rock2_heath
  • rock2_heath_frac
  • rock2_mountain
  • rock2_mountain_frac
  • rock3_mountain
  • rock3_mountain_frac
  • rock3_silver
  • rock3_silver_frac
  • rock4_coast
  • rock4_coast_frac
  • rock4_copper
  • rock4_copper_frac
  • rock4_forest
  • rock4_forest_frac
  • rock4_heath
  • rock4_heath_frac
  • RockFinger
  • RockFinger_frac
  • RockFingerBroken
  • RockFingerBroken_frac
  • rockformation1
  • RockThumb
  • RockThumb_frac
  • root07
  • root08
  • root11
  • root12
  • rug_deer
  • rug_fur
  • rug_wolf
  • sapling_barley
  • sapling_carrot
  • sapling_flax
  • sapling_seedcarrot
  • sapling_seedturnip
  • sapling_turnip
  • shaman_attack_aoe
  • shaman_heal_aoe
  • ship_construction
  • shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
  • shipwreck_karve_bow
  • shipwreck_karve_chest
  • shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
  • shipwreck_karve_stern
  • shipwreck_karve_sternpost
  • shrub_2
  • shrub_2_heath
  • sign
  • sign_notext
  • silvervein
  • silvervein_frac
  • skeleton_bow
  • skeleton_mace
  • Skeleton_NoArcher
  • skeleton_sword
  • Skull1
  • Skull2
  • sledge_aoe
  • smelter
  • stake_wall
  • StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
  • StaminaUpgrade_Troll
  • StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
  • StatueCorgi
  • StatueDeer
  • StatueEvil
  • StatueHare
  • StatueSeed
  • stone_arch
  • stone_floor
  • stone_floor_2x2
  • stone_pile
  • stone_pillar
  • stone_stair
  • stone_wall_1x1
  • stone_wall_2x1
  • stone_wall_4x2
  • stoneblock_fracture
  • stonechest
  • stonegolem_attack1_spike
  • StoneGolem_clubs
  • StoneGolem_hat
  • Stonegolem_ragdoll
  • StoneGolem_spikes
  • stubbe
  • stubbe_spawner
  • sunken_crypt_gate
  • SwampTree1
  • SwampTree1_log
  • SwampTree1_Stub
  • SwampTree2
  • SwampTree2_darkland
  • SwampTree2_log
  • TentaRoot
  • tentaroot_attack
  • tolroko_flyer
  • TrainingDummy
  • TreasureChest_blackforest
  • TreasureChest_fCrypt
  • TreasureChest_forestcrypt
  • TreasureChest_heath
  • TreasureChest_meadows
  • TreasureChest_meadows_buried
  • TreasureChest_mountains
  • TreasureChest_plains_stone
  • TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
  • TreasureChest_swamp
  • TreasureChest_trollcave
  • troll_groundslam_aoe
  • troll_log_swing_h
  • troll_log_swing_v
  • Troll_ragdoll
  • troll_throw_projectile
  • tunnel_web
  • turf_roof
  • turf_roof_top
  • turf_roof_wall
  • VegvisirShard_Bonemass
  • vertical_web
  • vines
  • widestone
  • widestone_frac
  • windmill
  • Wolf_Ragdoll
  • wood_beam
  • wood_beam_1
  • wood_beam_26
  • wood_beam_45
  • wood_door
  • wood_dragon1
  • wood_fence
  • wood_floor
  • wood_floor_1x1
  • wood_gate
  • wood_ledge
  • wood_pole
  • wood_pole_log
  • wood_pole_log_4
  • wood_pole2
  • wood_roof
  • wood_roof_45
  • wood_roof_icorner
  • wood_roof_icorner_45
  • wood_roof_ocorner
  • wood_roof_ocorner_45
  • wood_roof_top
  • wood_roof_top_45
  • wood_stack
  • wood_stair
  • wood_stepladder
  • wood_wall_half
  • wood_wall_log
  • wood_wall_log_4x0.5
  • wood_wall_roof
  • wood_wall_roof_45
  • wood_wall_roof_top
  • wood_wall_roof_top_45
  • woodiron_beam
  • woodiron_pole
  • woodwall
  • wraith_melee
Note: This list isn’t exhaustive and may get bigger with each new update. Warning: You can use the spawn item code to summon Haldor. But doing so will force the NPC out of his camp. Haldor will then stay in the new position and cannot be respawned, so proceed with caution!
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