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Palworld Ground Type Guide: All Ground Pals, Skills, Drops, & Work Suitability

Posted on by justin
(Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes)
From gooey seed planters to Ancient Egyptian hounds, the Palworld Ground Type has no shortage of variety. Many Pals under this category are also great combatants and excellent workhorses, making this element a versatile class. So, keep reading to dive into the Ground element in Palworld and learn more about the Pals you can capture in this category.

All Palworld Ground-Type Pals

Palworld Ground Type Capture and bring Ground-Type Pals in Palworld when dealing with difficult Electric enemies. Some Ground Pals also boast impressive natural defenses, allowing them to become the tank of the battlefield. Alternatively, capture and leave some of these Pals at the base, and you might not run out of ore soon, thanks to them being efficient miners. However, the Ground element has some caveats. For instance, Pals holding this element are weak against Grass attacks. Additionally, these Pals’ tanky nature can also mean they have limited mobility.

No. 013 – Gumoss

Palworld Gumoss
  • Element: Grass/Ground
  • Partner Skill: Logging Assistance - While in team, improves efficiency of cutting trees.
  • Drops: Berry Seeds and Gumoss Leaf
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv. 1
  • Location:

No. 020 – Rushoar

Palworld Rushoar
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Hard Head - Can be ridden. Increases efficiency of destroying boulders while mounted.
  • Drops: Rushoar Pork, Leather, and Bone
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv. 1
  • Location:

No. 022 – Fuddler

Palworld Fuddler
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Ore Detector - When activated, generates subtle vibrations to detect nearby ore.
  • Drops: Leather
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 1, and Transporting Lv. 1
  • Location:

No. 032 – Hangyu

Palworld Hangyu
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Flying Trapeze - While in team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Carries the player up high while gliding.
  • Drops: Fiber
  • Work Suitability: Gathering Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, and Transporting Lv. 2
  • Location:

No. 037B – Eikthyrdeer Terra

Palworld Eikthyrdeer Terra
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Guardian of the Golden Forest - Can be ridden. Can perform a double jump while mounted. Increases efficiency of cutting trees.
  • Drops: Eikthyrdeer Venison, Leather, and Horn
  • Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv. 2
  • Location:

No. 043 – Dumud

Palworld Dumud
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Soil Improver - While in team, increases attack power of Ground Pals
  • Drops: Raw Dumud and High Quality Pal Oil
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv. 1, Watering Lv. 1, and Mining Lv. 2
  • Location:

No. 048B – Robinquill Terra

Palworld Robinquill Terra
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Hawk Eye - While fighting together, allows you to deal more damage to weak points.
  • Drops: Wheat Seeds and Arrow
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2, and Gathering Lv. 2
  • Location:

No. 065B – Surfent Terra

Palworld Surfent Terra
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Sand Swimmer - Can be ridden.
  • Drops: Pal Fluids
  • Work Suitability: Gathering Lv. 1
  • Location:

No. 067 – Digtoise

Palworld Digtoise
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Drill Crusher - When activated, Digtoise performs Shell Spin, follows the player while spinning, and mines ores efficiently.
  • Drops: Ore and High Quality Pal Oil
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv. 3
  • Location:

No. 88 – Reptyro

Palworld Reptyro
  • Element: Ground/Fire
  • Partner Skill: Ore-Loving Beast - Can be ridden. Improves efficiency of mining ores while mounted.
  • Drops: Flame Organ
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv. 3 and Mining Lv. 3
  • Location:

No. 088B – Ice Reptyro

Palworld Reptyro Cryst
  • Element: Ice/Ground
  • Partner Skill: Ice-Loving Beast - Can be ridden. Improves efficiency of mining ores while mounted.
  • Drops: Ice Organ
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv. 3 and Mining Lv. 3
  • Location: Only obtainable by breeding a Foxcycle and a Reptyro or 2x Ice Reptyro.

No. 092 – Warsect

Palworld Warsect
  • Element: Grass/Ground
  • Partner Skill: Hard Armor - When fighting together, increases player's defense and applies Fire damage to player's attacks.
  • Drops: Honey
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 3, and Transporting Lv. 3
  • Location:

No. 099 – Menasting

Palworld Menasting
  • Element: Dark/Ground
  • Partner Skill: Steel Scorpion - When fighting together, increases the player’s defense and Electric Pals drop more items when defeated.
  • Drops: Coal and Venom Gland
  • Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv. 2 and Mining Lv. 3
  • Location:

No. 100 – Anubis

Palworld Anubis
  • Element: Ground
  • Partner Skill: Guardian God of the Desert - When activated, makes the characters attacks apply Ground damage, and Anubis has a chance to dodge attacks in battle
  • Drops: Bone, Large Pal Soul, and Innovative Technical Manual
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv. 4, Mining Lv. 3, and Transporting Lv. 2
  • Location:
Palworld-Anubis-Locations Note: Check out our Palworld Paldeck Guide if you need additional information about the Ground Type in Palworld and other Pals in other elemental families.
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