(Estimated Read Time: 21 minutes)
Fighting waves of the undead in 7 Days to Die can be quite a nerve-wracking experience if you don’t have the necessary items to survive. Thankfully, you can use console commands to give yourself an edge against zombie hordes. So, keep reading to learn all the item IDs in 7 Days to Die, and the console commands you can use to catch up and get ahead of the undead.How to Use Console Commands in 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die Console Commands
Command Name |
Syntax |
Description |
giveself | giveself [item id] [quality level (1-6)] | Give yourself the indicated item with the specified quality level. |
buff | buff [buff id] | Applies a buff to yourself. |
debuff | debuff [buff id] | Removes a buff from yourself. |
buffplayer | buffplayer [steam id / player name / entity id] [buff id] | Applies a buff to a specified player. |
debuffplayer | debuffplayer [steam id / player name / entity id] [buff id] | Removes a buff to a specified player. |
switchview | switchview | Switches between 1st person and 3rd person POVs. |
systeminfo | systeminfo | Print info about the current system CPU or operating system. |
debugmenu | debugmenu | Toggles debug mode on or off. |
exhausted | exhausted | Exhausts your character. |
giveselfxp | giveselfxp [xp amount] | Give your character the specified amount of XP. |
creativemenu | creativemenu | Toggles the creative menu. |
spawnsupplycrate | spawnsupplycrate | Spawn a supply crate above your character. |
admin | admin ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [steam id / player name / entity id] [permission level] | Manages the user permission level. |
kick | kick [steam id / player name / entity id] ["kick message"] | Kick any particular player from the game using this command. |
kickall | kickall ["kick message"] | Kicks all players from the game. |
whitelist | whitelist ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [steam id / player name / entity id] | Adds or removes any player in the white list. |
ban | ban ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [steam id / player name / entity id] [duration + duration unit] ["message"] | Ban or unban any player in the game. |
killall | killall | Kills all players in the current game instance. |
teleport | teleport [steam id / player name / entity id] [x y z] [offset x y z] [view direction] | Teleports your character to the designated location. |
teleportplayer | teleportplayer [steam id / player name / entity id] [steam id / player name / entity id] [x y z] [view direction] | Teleports a character to the designated location. |
showclouds | showclouds [texture file name] | Shows one layer of clouds. |
repairchunkdensity | repairchunkdensity [x z] ['fix'] | Checks if block densities in a chunk match the actual block type. |
weather | weather [weather setting] | Changes the in-game weather. |
weathersurvival | weathersurvival ['on' / 'off'] | Enable or disable the weather in survival mode. |
spawnentity | spawnentity [player id] [entity id] | Displays a list of entities that can be spawned. |
spawnwanderinghorde | spawnwanderinghorde | Summon a wandering zombie horde. |
givequest | givequest [quest id] | Triggers the specified quest. |
removequest | removequest [quest id] | Removes the specified quest. |
say | say ["message"] | Sends a message to all connected clients. |
cp | cp ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [command] [0 - 1000] | Adds a command to the command permission list with the desired permission level. |
listplayers | listplayers | Lists all players with their IDs, positions, health, stats, and IP addresses. |
version | version | Print the currently running version of the game and loaded mods. |
water limit | water limit [amount] | Controls the flow of water in the map. |
thirsty | thirsty | Make your character thirsty. |
spectrum | spectrum [spectrum id] | Forces a lighting spectrum. |
gettime | gettime | Print the current number of days and time. |
spawnscouts | spawnscouts [steam id / player name / entity id] [x y z] | Summons any screamer at the designated location or player. |
listents | listents | Lists all zombies, players, and animals. |
shutdown | shutdown | Shuts down the current game. |
spawnairdrop | spawnairdrop | Spawns an air drop. |
staticmap | staticmap | Toggles the Navazgane map between static and dynamic. |
listplayerids | listplayerids | Lists all players and their IDs. |
setgamestat | setgamestat [game stat] [value] | Sets any game statistic to the designated value. |
getgamestat | getgamestat [string] | Prints a list of current game stats. |
setgamepref | setgamepref [game preference] [value] | Sets the game preference to your desired value. |
getgamepref | getgamepref [string] | Prints a list of current game preferences. |
starve | starve | Makes your character hungry. |
settempunit | settempunit [c / f] | Toggles the temperature unit to between Celsius and Fahrenheit. |
memcl | memcl | Prints the memory information on client and calls garbage collector. |
mem | mem | Prints the memory information and calls garbage collector. |
traderarea | traderarea | Shows all trade areas. |
exportitemicons | exportitemicons | Exports all item coins to the game folder. |
lights | lights | Turns light-emitting objects on or off. |
shownexthordetime | shownexthordetime | Displays the wandering horde’s next spawn time. |
pplist | pplist | Prints the persistent player data. |
clear | clear | Clears all output text in the command console. |
listthreads | listthreads | You can execute the listthreads console command to list the threads. |
spawnscreen | spawnscreen | Displays the spawn screen. |
showalbedo | showalbedo | Hide or show the albedo in the gBuffer. |
settime | settime ['day' / 'night'] [0-24000] [d hh mm] | Sets the game’s time. |
help | help [command] | Prints the help text for supported commands. |
sounddebug | sounddebug | Enables or disables the SoundManager debug output. |
shownormals | shownormals | Shows or hides the normal maps in gBuffer. |
loggamestate | loggamestate [header] [true / false] | Writes the information about the current state of the game. |
chunkcache | chunkcache | Shows all loaded chunks in the cache. |
loglevel | loglevel [log level] [true / false] | Enables or disables log messages shown on the connection. |
saveworld | saveworld | Saves the world. |
showchunkdata | showchunkdata | Displays some current data chunks. |
aiddebug | aiddebug | Enables or disables the AIDirector debug output. |
showspecular | showspecular | Enables or disables the display of specular values in gBuffer. |
7 Days to Die Item IDs
With the command console open, you can give your character in 7 Days to Die the desired item by using the giveself command along with their item ids. For example, if you want the Bone Knife, you must input the following command: giveself meleeBoneShiv. With that, here are all the in-game objects and their item IDs in 7 Days to Die that you can use with the giveself command.Gun
- .44 Magnum: gun44Magnum
- AK-47 Assault Rifle: gunAK47
- Blunderbuss: gunBlunderbuss
- Compound Bow: gunCompoundBow
- Crossbow: gunCrossbow
- Hunting Rifle: gunHuntingRifle
- Marksman Rifle: gunMR10
- Pistol: gunPistol
- Shotgun: gunPumpShotgun
- Rocket Launcher: gunRocketLauncher
- SMG-5: gunSMG5
- Wooden Bow: gunWoodenBow
- Molotov Cocktail: thrownAmmoMolotovCocktail
- Pipe Bomb: thrownAmmoPipeBomb
- .44 Magnum Round: ammo44MagnumBullet
- .44 Magnum AP Round: ammo44MagnumBulletAP
- 7.62mm AP Round: ammo762mmBulletAP
- 7.62mm Round: ammo762mmBulletFMJ
- 9mm Round: ammo9mmBullet
- 9mm JHP Round: ammo9mmBulletJHP
- Flaming Arrow: ammoArrowFlaming
- Iron Arrow: ammoArrowIron
- Steel Arrow: ammoArrowSteelAP
- Stone Arrow: ammoArrowStone
- Blunderbuss Ammo: ammoBlunderbuss
- Exploding Crossbow Bolt: ammoCrossbowBoltExploding
- Iron Crossbow Bolt: ammoCrossbowBoltIron
- Steel Crossbow Bolt: ammoCrossbowBoltSteelAP
- Stone Crossbow Bolt: ammoCrossbowBoltStone
- Iron Dart: ammoDartSteel
- Rocket HE: ammoRocketHE
- Shotgun Shell: ammoShotgunShell
- Shotgun Slug: ammoShotgunSlug
- Buckshot: resourceBuckshot
- Bone Knife: meleeBoneShiv
- Candy Cane Club: meleeCandyCaneClub
- Candy Cane Knife: meleeCandyCaneShiv
- Barbed Club: meleeClubBarbed
- Iron Reinforced Club: meleeClubIron
- Spiked Club: meleeClubSpiked
- Wooden Club: meleeClubWood
- Hunting Knife: meleeToolHuntingKnife
- Machete: meleeToolMachete
- Iron Sledgehammer: meleeToolSledgehammer
- Advanced Muffled Connectors: modArmorAdvancedMuffledConnectors
- Advanced Muffled Connectors Schematic: modArmorAdvancedMuffledConnectorsSchematic
- Customized Fittings: modArmorCustomizedFittings
- Customized Fittings Schematic: modArmorCustomizedFittingsSchematic
- Helmet Light: modArmorHelmetLight
- Helmet Light Schematic: modArmorHelmetLightSchematic
- Improved Fittings: modArmorImprovedFittings
- Improved Fittings Schematic: modArmorImprovedFittingsSchematic
- Muffled Connectors: modArmorMuffledConnectors
- Muffled Connectors Schematic: modArmorMuffledConnectorsSchematic
- Flaming Arrow Schematic: ammoArrowFlamingSchematic
- Exploding Crossbow Bolt Schematic: ammoCrossbowBoltExplodingSchematic
- Gas Can Schematic: ammoGasCanSchematic
- Shotgun Slug Schematic: ammoShotgunSlugSchematic
- Leather Armor Schematic: armorLeatherChestSchematic
- Scrap Armor Schematic: armorScrapChestSchematic
- Steel Armor Schematic: armorSteelChestSchematic
- Battery Bank Schematic: batterybankSchematic
- Tasting And Brewing: beerSchematic
- First Aid Kit Schematic: firstAidKitSchematic
- Enforcer Magazine: gun44MagnumSchematic
- AK-47 Schematic: gunAK47Schematic
- Compound Bow Schematic: gunCompoundBowSchematic
- Crossbow Schematic: gunCrossbowSchematic
- Hunting Rifle Schematic: gunHuntingRifleSchematic
- MR-10 Schematic: gunMR10Schematic
- Pistol Book: gunPistolSchematic
- Shotgun Schematic: gunPumpShotgunSchematic
- Rocket Launcher Schematic: gunRocketLauncherSchematic
- SMG-5 Schematic: gunSMG5Schematic
- Nailgun Schematic: gunToolNailgunSchematic
- Auger Schematic: meleeToolAugerSchematic
- Chainsaw Schematic: meleeToolChainsawSchematic
- Hunting Knife Book: meleeToolHuntingKnifeSchematic
- Sledgehammer Schematic: meleeToolSledgehammerSchematic
- Barrel Extender Schematic: modGunBarrelExtenderSchematic
- Bipod Schematic: modGunBipodSchematic
- Polymer String Schematic: modGunBowPolymerStringSchematic
- Shotgun Choke Schematic: modGunChokeSchematic
- Cripple 'Em Schematic: modGunCrippleEmSchematic
- Shotgun Duckbill Schematic: modGunDuckbillSchematic
- Weapon Flashlight Schematic: modGunFlashlightSchematic
- Fore Grip Schematic: modGunForegripSchematic
- Magazine Extender Schematic: modGunMagazineExtenderSchematic
- Feel the Heat Schematic: modGunMeleeFeelTheHeatSchematic
- Rad Remover Schematic: modGunMeleeRadRemoverSchematic
- The Hunter Schematic: modGunMeleeTheHunterSchematic
- Muzzle Brake Schematic: modGunMuzzleBrakeSchematic
- Reflex Sight Schematic: modGunReflexSightSchematic
- Retracting Stock Schematic: modGunRetractingStockSchematic
- Rod and Spring Replacement Schematic: modGunRodAndSpringSchematic
- Scope 8x Schematic: modGunScopeLargeSchematic
- Scope 4x Schematic: modGunScopeMediumSchematic
- Scope 2x Schematic: modGunScopeSmallSchematic
- Silencer Schematic: modGunSoundSuppressorSilencerSchematic
- Trigger Group: Full Auto Schematic: modGunTriggerGroupAutomaticSchematic
- Trigger Group: Burst Schematic: modGunTriggerGroupBurstSchematic
- Trigger Group: Semi Schematic: modGunTriggerGroupSemiSchematic
- Bunker Buster Schematic: modMeleeBunkerBusterSchematic
- Barbed Wire Mod Schematic: modMeleeClubBarbedWireSchematic
- Burning Shaft Mod Schematic: modMeleeClubBurningShaftSchematic
- Metal Spikes Mod Schematic: modMeleeClubMetalSpikesSchematic
- Ergonomic Grip Schematic: modMeleeErgonomicGripSchematic
- Fortifying Grip Schematic: modMeleeFortifyingGripSchematic
- Grave Digger Schematic: modMeleeGraveDiggerSchematic
- Iron Breaker Schematic: modMeleeIronBreakerSchematic
- Serrated Blade Schematic: modMeleeSerratedBladeSchematic
- Structural Brace Schematic: modMeleeStructuralBraceSchematic
- Tempered Blade Schematic: modMeleeTemperedBladeSchematic
- Weighted Head Schematic: modMeleeWeightedHeadSchematic
- Wood Splitter: modMeleeWoodSplitterSchematic
- Sawed-off Shotgun Barrel Schematic: modShotgunSawedOffBarrelSchematic
- Painting: Decorations: paintMagazineDecorations
- Painting: Faux: paintMagazineFaux
- Painting: Masonry: paintMagazineMasonry
- Painting: Metal: paintMagazineMetal
- Painting: Wall Coverings: paintMagazineWallCoverings
- Painting: Wood and Roofing: paintMagazineWoodAndRoofing
- Schematic Test: schematicMaster
- Minibikes For Dumbshits: vehicleMinibikesForDumbshitsSchematic
- Padded Boots: armorClothBoots
- Padded Gloves: armorClothGloves
- Padded Hood: armorClothHat
- Padded Chest Armor: armorClothJacket
- Padded Leg Armor: armorClothPants
- Football Helmet: armorFootballHelmet
- Iron Boots: armorIronBoots
- Iron Chest Armor: armorIronChest
- Iron Gloves: armorIronGloves
- Iron Helmet: armorIronHelmet
- Iron Leg Armor: armorIronLegs
- Leather Boots: armorLeatherBoots
- Leather Chest Armor: armorLeatherChest
- Leather Gloves: armorLeatherGloves
- Leather Hood: armorLeatherHood
- Leather Leg Armor: armorLeatherPants
- Military Boots: armorMilitaryBoots
- Military Gloves: armorMilitaryGloves
- Military Helmet: armorMilitaryHelmet
- Military Leg Armor: armorMilitaryLegs
- Military Vest: armorMilitaryVest
- Mining Helmet: armorMiningHelmet
- Scrap Boots: armorScrapBoots
- Scrap Chest Armor: armorScrapChest
- Scrap Gloves: armorScrapGloves
- Scrap Helmet: armorScrapHelmet
- Scrap Leg Armor: armorScrapLegs
- Steel Boots: armorSteelBoots
- Steel Chest Armor: armorSteelChest
- Steel Gloves: armorSteelGloves
- Steel Helmet: armorSteelHelmet
- Steel Leg Armor: armorSteelLegs
- SWAT Helmet: armorSwatHelmet
- BDU Bottoms: armyPants
- BDU Top: armyShirt
- Lucky Goggles: aviatorGoggles
- Baseball Cap: ballCap
- Bandana: bandana
- Cigar: cigar
- Cigarette: cigarette
- Cowboy Boots: cowboyBoots
- Cowboy Hat: cowboyHat
- Blue Denim Pants: denimPants
- Shorts: denimShortsPants
- Dress Shoes: dressShoes
- Facial Piercings: facialPiercings
- Flannel Shirt: flannelShirt
- Gasmask: gasMask
- Ski Goggles: goggles
- Black Goth Boots: gothBootsBlack
- Black Goth Pants: gothicPants
- Hazmat Boots: hazmatBoots
- Hazmat Gloves: hazmatGloves
- Hazmat Mask: hazmatMask
- Hazmat Pants: hazmatPants
- Hazmat Jacket: hazmatShirt
- Hooded Sweatshirt: hoodedSweatshirt
- College Jacket: jacketLetter
- Jacket: jacketWhite
- Leather Duster: leatherDuster
- Leather Poncho: leatherPoncho
- Nerdy Glasses: nerdGlasses
- Night Vision Goggles: nightvisionGoggles
- Overalls: overalls
- Plant Fiber Gloves: plantFiberGloves
- Plant Fiber Hood: plantFiberHood
- Plant Fiber Pants: plantFiberPants
- Plant Fiber Shirt: plantFiberShirt
- Plant Fiber Shoes: plantFiberShoes
- Press Boy Cap: pressboyCap
- Puffer Coat: pufferCoat
- Running Shoes: runningShoes
- Santa Hat: santaHat
- Shades: shades
- Shirt: shirt
- Skirt: skirt
- Skull Cap: skullCap
- Suit Jacket: suitJacket
- Suit Pants: suitPants
- Sweatshirt: sweatshirt
- Tank Top: tankTop
- T-Shirt: tshirt
- Worn Boots: wornBoots
- Barbed Wire Fence: barbedFence
- Barbed Wire: barbedWireSheet
- Air Filter Land Mine: mineAirFilter
- Tin Land Mine: mineCandyTin
- Hubcap Land Mine: mineHubcap
- R Iron Log Spike 5: rScrapIronLogSpike5
- Reinforced Wood Log Spike 2: rWoodLogSpike2
- Reinforced Wood Metal Log Spike 3: rWoodMetalLogSpike3
- Iron Log Spike: scrapIronLogSpike4
- Steel Log Spike 6: steelLogSpike6
- Explosive Charge (Ammo): tnt
- Trap Spikes Damage 1: trapSpikesDamage1
- Trap Spikes Damage 2: trapSpikesDamage2
- Trap Spikes Damage 3: trapSpikesDamage3
- Trap Spikes Damage 4: trapSpikesDamage4
- Trap Spikes Damage 5: trapSpikesDamage5
- Iron Spikes Trap 1: trapSpikesIronDmg1
- Iron Spikes Trap 2: trapSpikesIronDmg2
- Wood Spikes: trapSpikesNew
- Wood Spikes Trap 1: trapSpikesWoodDmg1
- Wood Spikes Trap 2: trapSpikesWoodDmg2
- Wood Log Spike: woodLogSpike1
- Ammo Pile, Large: cntAmmoPileLarge
- Ammo Pile, Medium: cntAmmoPileMedium
- Ammo Pile, Small: cntAmmoPileSmall
- Weathered Backpack: cntBackpack01
- Moldy Backpack: cntBackpack03
- Empty Bath Tub: cntBathTubEmpty
- Bath Tub... filled: cntBathTubGore
- Beverage Cooler: cntBeerCooler
- Small Trash Bin: cntBin
- Birdnest: cntBirdnest
- Empty Bookcase: cntBookcaseEmpty
- Bookcase: cntBookcaseFull
- City Bus: cntBusCity
- School Bus: cntBusSchool
- Short School Bus: cntBusSchoolShort
- Shuttle Bus: cntBusShuttle
- Cabinet Door: cntCabinetBottomBrokenDoor
- Cabinet Filler (No Loot): cntCabinetBottomFiller
- Cabinet Red, Open: cntCabinetBottomOpen
- = Cabinet Old = Random Helper: cntCabinetOldBottomLootHelper
- Cabinet, Open: cntCabinetOldBottomOpen
- Cabinet Rounded (No Loot): cntCabinetOldCNRRoundFiller
- Old Sink: cntCabinetOldSink
- Sedan: cntCar03SedanDamage0
- Damaged Sedan: cntCar03SedanDamage1
- Car Wreck: cntCar03SedanDamage2
- Cash Register: cntCashRegister
- Cash Register Empty: cntCashRegisterEmpty
- Charcoal Grill: cntCharcoalGrillClosed
- Charcoal Grill (Open): cntCharcoalGrillOpen
- Wooden Chest: cntChest01
- Chest: cntChest02
- Coffin: cntCoffin
- = Construction Loot = Random Helper: cntConstructionSuppliesRandomLootHelper
- Cooler: cntCoolerClosed
- Cooler (Open): cntCoolerOpen
- Cupboard: cntCupboardCabinetFullOldTopClosed
- Cupboard: cntCupboardCabinetFullRedTopClosed
- = Cupboard Old = Random Helper: cntCupboardCabinetOldTopLootHelper
- Cupboard Old, Open: cntCupboardCabinetOldTopOpen
- = Cupboard Red = Random Helper: cntCupboardCabinetRedTopLootHelper
- Cupboard Red, Open: cntCupboardCabinetRedTopOpen
- Cupboard: cntCupboardCornerCNROld
- Cupboard: cntCupboardCornerCNRRed
- Desk Safe: cntDeskSafe
- Duffle Bag: cntDuffle01
- Dumpster: cntDumpster
- Fancy Garbage Can: cntFancyGarbageCan
- Courier Satchel: cntFetchQuestSatchel
- File Cabinet: cntFileCabinetShortClosed
- File Cabinet Short (Open): cntFileCabinetShortOpen
- File Cabinet: cntFileCabinetTallClosed
- File Cabinet Tall (Open): cntFileCabinetTallOpen
- Food Pile, Large: cntFoodPileLarge
- Food Pile, Medium: cntFoodPileMedium
- Food Pile, Small: cntFoodPileSmall
- Refrigerator, Stainless Steel: cntFridgeStainlessSteel
- Refrigerator, Open: cntFridgeStainlessSteelVer2Open
- = Garage Loot = Random Helper: cntGarageRandomLootHelper
- Garage Storage: cntGarageStorage
- Gas Grill: cntGasGrillClosed
- Gas Grill (Open): cntGasGrillOpen
- Gas Pump: cntGasPump
- Sink: cntGraniteSink
- Gun Safe: cntGunSafe
- Hardened Chest: cntHardenedChestSecure
- Laundry Basket, Empty: cntLaundryBasketVer1Empty
- Laundry Basket: cntLaundryBasketVer2Full
- Lockers: cntLockersShortClosed
- Lockers Short (Open): cntLockersShortOpen
- Lockers: cntLockersTallClosed
- Lockers: cntLockersTallDoubleClosed
- Lockers Tall Double (Open): cntLockersTallDoubleOpen
- Lockers: cntLockersTallMixClosed
- Lockers: cntLockersTallMixLinkClosed
- Lockers Mixed 2 (open): cntLockersTallMixLinkOpen
- Lockers Mixed 1 (open): cntLockersTallMixOpen
- Lockers Tall (Open): cntLockersTallOpen
- Reinforced Chest: cntLootChestHero
- Luggage: cntLuggageBigClosed
- Luggage, open: cntLuggageBigOpen
- Luggage: cntLuggageMediumClosed
- Luggage, open: cntLuggageMediumOpen
- Luggage: cntLuggagePileAClosed
- Luggage, open: cntLuggagePileAOpen
- Luggage: cntLuggagePileBClosed
- Luggage, open: cntLuggagePileBOpen
- Mailbox: cntMailbox
- Mail Box: cntMailBox01
- Mail Box: cntMailBox02
- Mail Box: cntMailBox03
- Medicine Cabinet, Closed: cntMedicineCabinetClosed
- Medicine Cabinet, Closed: cntMedicineCabinetFaucetClosed
- Medicine Cabinet: cntMedicineCabinetFaucetOpen
- Medicine Cabinet: cntMedicineCabinetOpen
- Medical Supplies: cntMedicLootPileA
- Medical Supplies: cntMedicLootPileB
- Iron Desk, Open: cntMetalDesk02Open
- = Metal Desk = Random Helper: cntMetalDesk02RandomLootHelper
- Microwave: cntMicrowaveOvenVer1Closed
- Microwave, Open: cntMicrowaveOvenVer1Open
- Munitions Box: cntMunitionsBox
- Night Stand: cntNightstandClosed
- Night Stand (Open): cntNightstandOpen
- Pill Case: cntPillCase
- Medical Cabinet: cntPillCaseClosed
- Medical Cabinet Empty: cntPillCaseEmpty
- Purse: cntPurse01
- Prefab Test Loot: cntQuestTestLoot
- Retro Refrigerator: cntRetroFridgeVer1Closed
- Retro Refrigerator, Open: cntRetroFridgeVer2Open
- Crack-A-Book Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateBookstore
- Pass-N-Gas Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateCarParts
- Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateHero
- Pop-N-Pills Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateLabEquipment
- Shamway Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateShamway
- Shotgun Messiah Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateShotgunMessiah
- Working Stiff Sealed Shipping Crate: cntShippingCrateWorkingStiffs
- Shopping Cart: cntShoppingCart
- Rotting Sports Bag: cntSportsBag01
- Weathered Sports Bag: cntSportsBag02
- Storage Box: cntStorageGeneric
- Old Stove: cntStoveOldVer1Closed
- Old Stove, Open: cntStoveOldVer2Open
- Suitcase: cntSuitcase
- Toilet: cntToilet01
- Fancy Toilet: cntToilet02
- Commercial Toilet: cntToilet03
- = Tools / Forge = Random Helper: cntToolsAndForgeRandomLootHelper
- Trash Compactor: cntTrashCompactor
- Trash Pile: cntTrashPile01
- Pile of Garbage: cntTrashPile02
- Mound of Garbage: cntTrashPile03
- Abandoned Rubbish: cntTrashPile04
- Rotting Trash: cntTrashPile05
- Spoiled Trash: cntTrashPile06
- Garbage Pile: cntTrashPile07
- Foul Trash: cntTrashPile08
- Old Trash: cntTrashPile09
- Trash Can: cntTrash_can01
- Player Vending Machine: cntVendingMachine
- Broken Vending Machine: cntVendingMachine2Broken
- Vending Machine Rental: cntVendingMachineTrader
- Wall Oven: cntWallOven
- Wall Safe: cntWallSafe
- Washing Machine: cntWashingMachine
- = Wasteland Loot = Random Helper: cntWastelandRandomLootHelper
- Water Cooler Bottle: cntWaterCoolerBottle
- Water Cooler: cntWaterCoolerFull
- Weapons Bag: cntWeaponsBagLarge
- Weapons Bag: cntWeaponsBagSmall
- Wooden Desk: cntWoodDesk01Closed
- Wooden Desk, Open: cntWoodDesk01Open
- Tree Stump: treeStump
- Boiled Water: drinkCanBoiledWater
- Empty Can: drinkCanEmpty
- Mega Crush: drinkCanMegaCrush
- Can of Murky Water: drinkCanRiverWater
- Beer: drinkJarBeer
- Bottled Water: drinkJarBoiledWater
- Coffee: drinkJarCoffee
- Glass Jar: drinkJarEmpty
- Golden Rod Tea: drinkJarGoldenRodTea
- Grain Alcohol: drinkJarGrainAlcohol
- Grandpa's Awesome Sauce: drinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce
- Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir: drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir
- Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir: drinkJarGrandpasForgettingElixir
- Grandpa's Moonshine: drinkJarGrandpasMoonshine
- Red Tea: drinkJarRedTea
- Bottled Murky Water: drinkJarRiverWater
- Yucca Cocktail: drinkJarYuccaCocktail
- Yucca Juice: drinkJarYuccaJuice
- Yucca Juice Smoothie: drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie
- Bacon and Eggs: foodBaconAndEggs
- Baked Potato: foodBakedPotato
- Blueberry Pie: foodBlueberryPie
- Boiled Meat: foodBoiledMeat
- Large Beef Ration: foodCanBeef
- Can of Cat Food: foodCanCatfood
- Chicken Ration: foodCanChicken
- Can of Chili: foodCanChili
- Can of Dog Food: foodCanDogfood
- Can of Sham: foodCanHam
- Lamb Rations: foodCanLamb
- Can of Miso: foodCanMiso
- Can of Pasta: foodCanPasta
- Can of Pears: foodCanPears
- Can of Peas: foodCanPeas
- Can of Salmon: foodCanSalmon
- Chicken Soup: foodCanSoup
- Can of Stock: foodCanStock
- Can of Tuna: foodCanTuna
- Charred Meat: foodCharredMeat
- Chili Dog: foodChiliDog
- Corn Bread: foodCornBread
- Corn Meal: foodCornMeal
- Corn on the Cob: foodCornOnTheCob
- Egg: foodEgg
- Boiled Egg: foodEggBoiled
- Fish Tacos: foodFishTacos
- Grilled Meat: foodGrilledMeat
- Hobo Stew: foodHoboStew
- Jar of Honey: foodHoney
- Meat Stew: foodMeatStew
- Moldy Bread: foodMoldyBread
- Raw Meat: foodRawMeat
- Rotting Flesh: foodRottingFlesh
- Sham Chowder: foodShamChowder
- Old Sham Sandwich: foodShamSandwich
- Steak and Potato Meal: foodSteakAndPotato
- Vegetable Stew: foodVegetableStew
- Antibiotics: drugAntibiotics
- Fort Bites: drugFortBites
- Painkillers: drugPainkillers
- Recog: drugRecog
- Steroids: drugSteroids
- Vitamins: drugVitamins
- Aloe Cream: medicalAloeCream
- Bandage: medicalBandage
- Blood Bag: medicalBloodBag
- Blood Draw Kit: medicalBloodDrawKit
- First Aid Bandage: medicalFirstAidBandage
- First Aid Kit: medicalFirstAidKit
- Splint: medicalSplint
- Blueberries: foodCropBlueberries
- Ear of Corn: foodCropCorn
- Mushrooms: foodCropMushrooms
- Potato: foodCropPotato
- Yucca Fruit: foodCropYuccaFruit
- Mushrooms 01 (POI): mushroom01
- Mushrooms 02 (POI): mushroom02
- Aloe Vera (Seed): plantedAloe1
- Aloe Vera Plant 3 (POI): plantedAloe3Harvest
- Blueberry (Seed): plantedBlueberry1
- Blueberry Plant 3 (POI): plantedBlueberry3Harvest
- Chrysanthemum (Seed): plantedChrysanthemum1
- Chrysanthemum 3 (POI): plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest
- Coffee (Seed): plantedCoffee1
- Coffee Plant 3 (POI): plantedCoffee3Harvest
- Corn (Seed): plantedCorn1
- Corn (Growing): plantedCorn2
- Corn Plant 3 (POI): plantedCorn3Harvest
- Cotton (Seed): plantedCotton1
- Cotton 3 (POI): plantedCotton3Harvest
- Goldenrod (Seed): plantedGoldenrod1
- Goldenrod Flower 3 (POI): plantedGoldenrod3Harvest
- Hop (Seed): plantedHop1
- Hop Plant 3 (POI): plantedHop3Harvest
- Mushroom Spores (Seed): plantedMushroom1
- Mushrooms 3 (POI): plantedMushroom3Harvest
- Potato (Seed): plantedPotato1
- Potato Plant 3 (POI): plantedPotato3Harvest
- Snowberry (Seed): plantedSnowberry1
- Snowberry Plant 3 (POI): plantedSnowberry3Harvest
- Yucca (Seed): plantedYucca1
- Yucca Plant 3 (POI): plantedYucca3Harvest
- Aloe Vera Leaf: resourceCropAloeLeaf
- Coffee Beans: resourceCropCoffeeBeans
- Nailgun: gunToolNailgun
- Auger: meleeToolAuger
- Chainsaw: meleeToolChainsaw
- Claw Hammer: meleeToolClawHammer
- Iron Fireaxe: meleeToolFireaxeIron
- Iron Garden Hoe: meleeToolHoeIron
- Paint Brush: meleeToolPaintTool
- Iron Pickaxe: meleeToolPickaxeIron
- Steel Pickaxe: meleeToolPickaxeSteel
- Iron Shovel: meleeToolShovelIron
- Stone Shovel: meleeToolShovelStone
- Stone Axe: meleeToolStoneAxe
- Wire Tool: meleeToolWireTool
- Wrench: meleeToolWrench
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