There have been a few Minecraft maps to make international news, but only one among them has had entire governments do their best to see it erased. Today, we explore the halls of the most controversial Minecraft map ever released in, “What is the Uncensored Library Minecraft Map?”
From the outside where players spawn, the Uncensored Library looks like a grandiose building of marble surrounded by gardens, but it is not exactly anything most Minecraft players haven’t seen before. This is because the build itself isn’t what brought this map to the world stage. Instead, it is the many books the Uncensored Library contains.
Visitors will find entire rooms dedicated to countries where there is lacking or no freedom of the press, each filled to the brim with completely uncensored reporting. The subject matter will vary from country to country, but everything from unjust punishments to criminal offenses of those in power has been recorded within Minecraft for safekeeping.
Throughout these many rooms, visitors will also find a grand central area dedicated to the World Press Freedom Index, which details the press freedom of every country on Earth, and a room about the main creators of the map, Reporters Without Borders (RSF.)
Released on March 12, 2020, the Uncensored Library was created by the previously mentioned group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) alongside Blockworks, DDB Berlin, and Mediamonks. Since then, the map has been updated in both 2021 and 2023, adding rooms for even more countries.
Their stated reason for this massive project is that “social media and blogs are controlled by oppressive leaders,” resulting in young people growing up “heavily manipulated by governmental disinformation.” However, most of these countries still allow Minecraft, and with this one map, they bypass that censorship.
The Uncensored Library map is available for download on their official website, which can be found here. Any who would prefer not to download the map for safety reasons or otherwise can also visit the official Uncensored Library server using the IP “visit.uncensoredlibrary.com” on Minecraft 1.16.5.
What is the Uncensored Library Minecraft Map?

Creators of the Library

Visiting the Uncensored Library

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