Bastigor is one of the more powerful offensive Pals in Palworld, especially compared to the many new Pals in the Feybreak Update. However, becoming a proud owner of this Pal can be tricky, especially with its unique capture conditions. So, keep reading to learn how to capture Bastigor in Palworld, its stats, skills, and more.
Unlike most Pals in Palworld, Bastigor can't be found roaming the world map. It's also not in any of the dungeons at the time of writing. Instead, players can only capture Bastigor by hatching it from a Huge Frozen Egg.
However, Pal trainers can find Bastigor at the Feybreak Tower located at the southern part of Feybreak Island at coordinates -1294, -1670. Here, you can battle Bastigor and his Pal trainer, Bjorn. Remember, you can't capture Bjorn's Pal partner since this is a boss fight.
Note that three other Pals can appear from incubating Huge Frozen Eggs: Kingpaca Cryst, Mamorest Cryst, and Frostallion. Nonetheless, players can have better chances at hatching a Bastigor by using the following breeding combinations:
Palworld Bastigor Location in Palworld

Hatching Bastigor (Breeding Guide)

- Bastigor and Bastigor
- Anubis and Frostallion
Bastigor Core Stats at Level 1
- Health: 140
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 120
Other Stats
- Paldeck Number: 137
- Element: Ice
- Partner Skill: Blizzard Crash: Can be ridden. While mounted, delivers crushing blows with an Ice-forged hammer.
- Drops: Leather and Ice Organ
- Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 3, and Cooling Lv. 4
Bastigor Active Skills
Stone Cannon
- Description: Digs up a boulder and hurls it at an enemy.
- Element: Ground
- Level Learned: 1
- Charge Time: 15 seconds
- Power: 70
- Description: Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 7
- Charge Time: 15 seconds
- Power: 70
Crystal Breath
- Description: Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 15
- Charge Time: 22 seconds
- Power: 90
Frost Talon
- Description: Bastigor's exclusive skill. Stomps the ground, creating a fissure of ice ahead. Then, rapidly closes the distance and slashes with the right hand.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 22
- Charge Time: 17 seconds
- Power: 95
- Description: Causes the ground to shake before hurling a massive stone mass at its surroundings.
- Element: Ground
- Level Learned: 30
- Charge Time: 35 seconds
- Power: 130
Stone Beat
- Description: Shakes the ground and lifts a massive boulder into the air.
- Element: Ground
- Level Learned: 40
- Charge Time: 60 seconds
- Power: 170
Diamond Rain
- Description: Creates numerous lumps of ice that are consecutively dropped on a foe's head.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 50
- Charge Time: 60 seconds
- Power: 160
Glacial Impact
- Description: Bastigor's exclusive skill. Let out a mighty roar and leap into the air. Then, embed both arms into the ground to create a massive ice crack. Continue to channel power into the ground, ultimately causing a large explosion of ice energy.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 55
- Charge Time: 52 seconds
- Power: 190
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