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Minecraft Reddit Posts - March’s Must See!

Posted on by bisecthosting

Reddit’s /r/Minecraft is home to a wide variety of Minecraft fans. Developers included! And when a community as creative as Minecraft’s comes together, amazing creations are bound to be shared. Today we return to /r/Minecraft for March’s must-see Minecraft Reddit posts, and trust us when we say these are five you do not want to miss!

University Meets Minecraft

The first post on our list comes from South Korea, where Yeungnam University’s Entrance Ceremony was held entirely within Minecraft! Students and teachers alike joined a server where the university had been faithfully recreated in-game and live-streamed the proceedings for all the world to see.

We do not know if the original poster, /u/bedesolman, was a student who posted the experience or a viewer like ourselves, but it led us to explore many more real-world events held in Minecraft. Some I could barely believe myself!

Mountains Nearly Real

Among the many new features of Caves and Cliffs was an increased build height which /u/OneCore has used to its fullest. If this weren’t on the Minecraft subreddit, I would have assumed it was real! The dedication and creativity needed to build something so breathtaking is worthy of more praise than I could ever give. It could genuinely be framed and put on a wall!

The Neon Circuit

Continuing with the trend of building creativity is a race track I wish I could try! The Neon Circuit, a course made of packed ice for boat racing, left many, including me, amazed and perhaps a bit jealous. It’s a map straight out of a game like Mario Cart that looks both beautiful and fun at the same time. Teach us your ways /u/Qu1ntenR!

A Computer Build You Won’t Beelieve!

This custom PC build had the community buzzing with excitement! A Beehive Computer built by /u/1YardLoss complete with honey coolers! The project must have been pricy, but the final results appear to have been well worth it. Does your computer have a fancy setup like this? We would love to know! The only decoration my PC has is dust.

Star Trading Gone Wrong

Star Trader is one of the harder advancements Minecraft offers, requiring players to trade with a villager at the build height limit. How does one do that? There are many creative ways, but the majority share a common trait of being lengthy to set up. So, when your villager walks off the edge after all that work, it is easier to laugh as you slowly shed a tear.

I hope it works out next time /u/Stacheford!

Minecraft Reddit Posts - March’s Must See!

Minecraft Reddit Logo

March has passed, and so ends another monthly recap, but /r/Minecraft still has plenty to share! We only picked five from a sea of excellent posts waiting to be seen. Check out the top posts of all time for years upon years worth of content. You won’t be disappointed!

Until Next Time,

BisectHosting =)

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