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Minecraft 1.21 Ominous Events Guide

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 5 Minutes)
When a bad omen is in the air, be ready to face quite the scare! New challenges await those who are willing to brave the trials they bear. So, today, we explore the revamped Bad Omens system in our Minecraft 1.21 Ominous Events Guide.

What Are Bad Omens?

Minecraft 1.21 Bad Omen Status Effect The Bad Omen status effect has been around since Minecraft 1.14 and was gained by defeating Raid Captains. As of Minecraft 1.21, players will gain Bad Omens by drinking the contents of an Ominous Bottle dropped by Trial Vaults and Pillager Captains outside of raids. This has turned Bad Omens into an optional challenge that takes two forms: Raid Omens and Trial Omens.

Minecraft 1.21 Ominous Events: Raid Omen

Minecraft 1.21 Ominous Event Raid Omen Status Effect Much like how it worked previously, players with the Bad Omen status effect who enter a village will cause a special raid to occur. However, this is now noted by the Bad Omen turning into a Raid Omen, marking that thirty seconds remain before the special raid starts. Players participating in this Ominous Event will need to take on an additional raid wave alongside highly geared Pillagers.

Minecraft 1.21 Ominous Events: Trial Omen

Minecraft 1.21 Ominous Event Trial Omen Status Effect Players who instead travel to a Trial Chamber with a Bad Omen will find that the status effect changes into a Trial Omen. This causes the Trial Spawners within to become Ominous Trial Spawners, which not only spawn enemies that wear additional gear but also spawn potions and projectiles above participating players’ heads. But, for all the trouble, this Ominous Event includes unique rewards. Specifically, the new Ominous Trial Key which can open the rare Ominous Vault.

Ominous Rewards

Ominous Raid
  • Hero of the Village (Status Effect)
Despite the increased difficulty, the loot remains the same for raids caused by Raid Omens. However, successfully completing them does provide the player with the Hero of the Village status effect at the same level as the previously held Bad Omen status effect. This new status effect causes Villagers to provide the affected player with gifts and discounts for the next 40 minutes. Depending on the status effect’s level, these discounts can be as high as 55%.
Ominous Trial Spawner
  • 1 Ominous Trial Key – 48.9%
  • 2-4 Baked Potato – 33.6%
  • 1-2 Cooked Beef – 33.6%
  • 1-2 Golden Carrot – 23.4%
  • 1-4 Rotten Flesh – 12.2%
  • 1 Potion of Regeneration – 12.2%
  • 1 Potion of Strength – 12.2%
Completing an Ominous Trial Spawner will grant each player one to three options at random from the list above.
Ominous Vault
Loot Pool A
  • 4-10 Emerald – 3.79%
  • 8-12 Wind Charge – 3.03%
  • 2-3 Diamond – 1.52%
  • 1 Ominous Bottle – 0.76%
  • 1 Enchanted Crossbow – 12.12%
  • 1 Golden Apple – 12.12%
  • 1 Enchanted Diamond Axe – 9.09%
  • 1 Enchanted Diamond Chestplate – 9.09%
  • 1 Enchanted Book – 6.06%
Loot Pool B
  • 4-10 Emerald – 33.33%
  • 8-12 Wind Charge – 26.67%
  • 2-3 Diamond – 13.33%
  • 1 Ominous Bottle – 6.67%
Loot Pool C
  • Nothing – 25.0%
  • 1 Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template – 25.0%
  • 1 Enchanted Golden Apple – 25.0%
  • 1 Flow Banner Pattern – 16.67%
  • 1 Heavy Core – 8.33%
Ominous Vaults are a rare variant of Vaults that can only be opened with Ominous Trial Keys. An unlocked Ominous Vault can provide one option at random from both lists A and C alongside one to three options at random from list B. Author’s Note: The Items and values provided in this guide are subject to change as Minecraft 1.21 continues its development.
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