Just this past month BisectHosting had the fantastic opportunity to sponsor MC Prom 2022. A night full of song, dance, and, of course, romance too! Today we explore MC Prom 2022, including some highlights, details, and what the future has in store.
MC Prom 2022 was a prom event held entirely online in Minecraft, complete with custom assets, live performances, minigames, and prom king and queen. Not to mention it was raising money for charity! Players from around the world enjoyed two nights of song and dance, like an actual prom, but with a very blocky theme. A collaborative project by DotWavPresents and ButtonPresents, sponsored by the BisectHosting team.
What is MC Prom 2022?

Players who attended the two-night event were greeted with custom blocks and items not normally found in Minecraft, guest stars, live music, and a dance stage to put your crouch dancing to the test. The video above being one of many live performances, and in this case, Magicsings on youtube. They sounded great! Other bits of fun were, of course, the socializing and minigames but also the cosmetic items added for immersion and shenanigans alike. Glow rods and minion balloons being two personal favorites of the night. It was also amazing seeing Jelly Bean hosting the event live! Be sure to check out their VOD here for a front-row seat of the event!The Future of MC Prom
https://twitter.com/dotwavpresents/status/1566518992935829506? This was MC Prom's second year running, but does that mean there will be a third? We are happy to say it has already been confirmed! With as popular as MC Prom 2022 was, we can only expect that the event will continue to grow alongside even more ambitious charity goals. As the tweet says, here is to MC Prom 2023! Hopefully, we will be able to work alongside them again. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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