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Improve Your Gaming Skills With One Life Saving Trick

Posted on by amber
As working from home and gaming become more popular, an unforeseen danger has begun to affect a terrifying amount of the population. One hardly noticed, and never seen, draining your cognitive function. Today we explore the dangers of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and how a change as simple as improving airflow can not only elevate your gameplay but save your life too.

Air Quality & You

Earth From Space Image Air is unseen and often unconscious part of daily life, yet just by reading this, you are reminded of each breath entering your body. However, what of that air’s quality? In worst-case scenarios, carbon dioxide can lead to convulsions, coma, and death, which is why a carbon dioxide detector is a valuable tool to have. But lower levels of CO2, while entirely habitable, can still have adverse effects in both the short and long term. One of which, lower cognitive function.

The Short & Long Term Effects

CO2 Screenshot Measured in parts per million (ppm), the average atmospheric CO2 as of writing is 420 ppm. Indoors, 400 and 1000 ppm is the ideal range and is generally considered a space with good air exchange. But as that number increases, cognitive function begins to decline. For every 500 ppm increase, researchers saw “response times 1.4-1.8% slower, and 2.1-2.4% lower throughput.” Health aside, this means slower at work and the difference that could have saved your latest ranked game. These effects are felt as a drowsiness or sleepiness while sometimes not even noticed at all. In the long term, higher levels of CO2 have been associated with accelerated cognitive decline and dementia. A terrifying condition in which one struggles to remember, think, and make decisions.

CO2 & What to Do

CO2 PPM Example Without a tool, it can be hard to tell the levels of CO2 at home, but the problem is far more common than one may think. The image above shows an example of just how quickly dangerous levels of CO2 are reached. One of BisectHosting’s very own had to close their home office for 48 hours to perform a radon test. During that short time, CO2 reached over 2000 ppm! The level at which headaches begin. Ideally, your work, gaming, and living space should be less than 1000 ppm. Opening windows and doors throughout your home is the easiest way to achieve this goal, and for many, the difference is noticeable within the next few days. Truly a simple trick!

Improve Your Gaming Skills With One Life Saving Trick

In the short term, making this simple change can improve your productivity and gameplay. In the long term, it helps keeps your brain healthy. With no cost to worry about, why not give it a try? This one simple trick that can improve gaming skills and save your life. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =) BisectHosting Minecraft Promotional Image
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