(Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes)
Discovering the secrets of the past has many advantages, but how exactly does a
Pal Tamer obtain Ancient Technology Points to unlock them? Today, we answer that question and more in our guide, “How to unlock Ancient Technology Points in Palworld.”
How to Unlock Ancient Technology Points

Unlike regular Technology Points, Ancient Technology Points can only be obtained by defeating bosses. These include the many Alpha Pals scattered throughout the world and the five major bosses found at ancient towers. However, only the first victory over these bosses will reward Ancient Technology Points, meaning they can’t be
farmed. Major bosses grant five, while Alpha Pals grant one.
Where Are Ancient Technology Points Located?

Major bosses can be found at the five ancient glowing towers located throughout the world. The Syndicate Tower from the tutorial being the first example players will encounter. As for Alpha Pals, they are indicated on the map with large circles and are giant versions of
standard Pals. Exploring the map will gradually reveal their locations.
Can All Ancient Technologies Be Unlocked?

All Ancient Technologies can indeed be unlocked! But this will require defeating all major bosses and Alpha Pals. We recommend focusing your initial Ancient Technologies Points on the
technologies that benefit your personal playstyle most, then expanding from there.
Fastest Method for Unlocking Ancient Technology Points

Sadly, there are no special methods for obtaining Ancient Technology Points fast. Those seeking them will need to level up, create a strong team of pals, and craft
increasingly powerful gear, which then allows them to take on new bosses and Alpha Pals.
A Guide's End
From grappling through the air to launching homing spheres, Ancient Technology is one of the best ways to spruce up
standard gameplay. However, we can’t help but wonder if more will be added as the game is expanded. Is there a technology you would like to see added?
Until Next Time,
BisectHosting =)